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The Free World Charter

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Visar 23 Underskrifter från Montenegro

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Aleksandar KolmanUndertecknat: 10:21, 21/07/2015
mirjana panticUndertecknat: 08:10, 13/03/2015
ljiljana prlainovićUndertecknat: 01:20, 26/02/2015
dragan masanovicUndertecknat: 15:04, 23/12/2014
momirka račićUndertecknat: 09:46, 11/07/2014
Vesko PapovićUndertecknat: 18:42, 14/11/2013
suzana petricUndertecknat: 18:30, 14/11/2013
sofija lakonicUndertecknat: 17:27, 16/07/2013
Darko DragovicUndertecknat: 14:39, 15/02/2013
"Danas sam video na zidu prijatelja snimak o ovome,otvorio sam,odgledao i jako mi se svidelo... Glasao sam za 9 principa ispocetka jer nisam bio shvatio 3 princip,tek posle malo duzeg razmisljanja...Onda sam glasao i za njega. Cudno mi je bilo "bez podredjenosti i obaveze prema bilo kojoj drugoj osobi ili stvorenju.",kako to da nemamo obavezu,mora je biti,moralne obaveze,ne mozemo da koristimo koliko zelimo a neko drugi da nema,ali u prvom dijelu pise "Svaka živa osoba i stvorenje na ovoj planeti ima automatsko pravo da deli sve prirodne resurse Zemlje, i da ih koristi u funkciju življenja zdravog i ispunjenog života",znaci da ne preterujemo,nego samo onoliko koliko nam je dovoljno... A svega ima dovoljno,za sve za sada... Trebalo bi mozda jos ponesto dodati,ali je ovo savrsena inicijativa... Pozdrav i svaka podrska..."
Zeljko TomovicUndertecknat: 03:28, 14/02/2013
Dusica Fiser - JaredicUndertecknat: 11:15, 26/11/2012
"I believe in this kind of world and I am sincerely looking forward to live in that kind of society. We, humans, can give a lot of thing to each other but also can do a lot for the Planet in general and Nature will give us freedom. We will have no fear of death and more important we will have no fear of happiness. I give this signature in order that all beings in this Planet can live their True Nature."
Jelena KrstajicUndertecknat: 01:28, 01/11/2012
DAVOR VUKOVICUndertecknat: 08:54, 23/10/2012
Bojan MiroticUndertecknat: 02:13, 23/10/2012
Gordana PejovicUndertecknat: 21:39, 28/06/2012
Nebojsa JurisevicUndertecknat: 21:03, 04/05/2012
Al-Ammar KašićUndertecknat: 20:36, 02/03/2012
Boris BozovicUndertecknat: 09:06, 08/02/2012
luka socUndertecknat: 20:07, 30/09/2011
Dejan MurisicUndertecknat: 14:00, 13/07/2011
Aleksandar CorovicUndertecknat: 01:46, 30/04/2011
Ivana ScepanovicUndertecknat: 17:11, 24/03/2011
"Oh, let's start doing something... the world is amazing, but changing, in front of us, into hell... wars, hunger, greed... it must stop. Here. Now. Best of luck to all of us, especially my and your children! IvanaS"
Dusko LalovicUndertecknat: 14:04, 20/03/2011
"What are we waiting for? This shit's got to go"

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