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The Free World Charter

"Låt oss göra allting fritt och gratis"

Ludvik HjardarUndertecknat: 09:13, 29/08/2014
"All my life i have been on my journey meeting people in that vision, i exsperienced and learned alot from that. Living in 43 countries to understand humance in global scale. I am highscool educated as an multi artist, and a philasopher, been active humanitarian voluntare, mostly in india, and asia. now after the years i have come up with my modul of my avangard movement. as an actor and director for short films about the human condition, and unexspected solutions. i got very glad i found you, and i realy beleave in this vision you have send out in youtube. i look forward to hear from you. blessings to you all. "

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