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Charta Slobodného Sveta

"Poďme urobiť všetko zadarmo"

Enid CheneyPodpísaný/á: 05:28, 08/02/2014
"Take a look around you... the clothes you are wearing, the car you drive, the delicious meal you've just prepared... take the coffee mug in your hand for instance, when did it first come into existence?... hot off the potters wheel? No, it FIRST existed in someone's imagination! We are POWERFUL HUMAN CREATORS, with NO LIMIT to our IMAGe-IN-AcTION. So what is money then?...a tool used to control our imagination and capitalize on THE UNLIMITED VALUE OF HUMAN ENERGY... let's set it free, and in one stroke of the imagination we will obliterate this tool of control, which is the quickest path to our ultimate and unlimited JOY!"

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