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Charta Slobodného Sveta

"Poďme urobiť všetko zadarmo"

Xander WeegemanPodpísaný/á: 10:37, 19/05/2012
"Who wants to live in a world where u always feel u gonna be stabbed in the back and for what? For more profit? Its a sad world and i dont see the light at the end of this dark, dark tunnel. When i was a young child i really thought that one day there would be world peace, that nature and all her animals and forests are the most beautifull things i ever saw and u should love and respect them, but then u grow older and u start to learn that the world isn't that beautifull place. At this point of my life i think were doomed simple as that, people just live there lifes take what they can get and dont care how, leaving a trail of destruction. I cant live like that i really thought there was a greater goal like world peace or atleast try to. I hope theres gonna be millions and millions of people signing this charter, that people wake up and think for themselfs, we people got more power then any company or any government in the world. We people are the world."

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