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"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Mostrando 63 signatários de Singapore

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Ghanesh PVAssinou: 01:03, 04/10/2011
"lets start a day calling it free day, everything on that day is free...."
Chris Stephen Naveen RanjitAssinou: 09:21, 02/10/2011
"I wholeheartedly agree that the first step is for people to want change, and the only way to do that is for them to realize its possible."
Wai Lyn ChingAssinou: 17:13, 29/09/2011
Vincent ChingAssinou: 14:47, 19/09/2011
"Truth is a simplicity, which we have made complexity of.. We are all intricately inter-connected.. There is only one Home - its Earth, there is only one Family - its Humanity.. & there is only one true religion - its Love.. The only way for a Family to live sustainably, is to built a society that is cooperative based.. not competitive.. Life is not a race.. nor is it subject to discrmination.. so don't make it so... Peace! "
aida kingAssinou: 05:11, 24/07/2011
"About time something was done to erradicate poverty."
Hammad NafisAssinou: 19:19, 22/07/2011
"Looks like an updated ten commandmensts ;)"
Rory BarkerAssinou: 20:07, 22/04/2011
"let's hope for the day"
Suren TharAssinou: 23:40, 21/04/2011
Shun Jie HoAssinou: 06:38, 19/04/2011
"For the love of humanity"
Thomas JurgensenAssinou: 05:10, 18/04/2011
Muhammad ZulhelmiAssinou: 20:34, 26/03/2011
"Thats the way the world should be like as, we all bleed the same blood thus it means that all man are equal regardless or race, language or religion"
Murugan RatnamAssinou: 03:07, 25/03/2011
Ezra Ho Assinou: 12:47, 24/03/2011
"The restricting of human potential by purchasing power. Social paralysis due to a money-bound political process. The perpetuation of socially detrimental values. The institutionalisation of psychological insecurities, pitting people against each other. Rigid and dehumanising hierarchies. This shit's got to go"

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