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"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Mostrando 423 signatários de Denmark

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Peter HjorthAssinou: 12:57, 12/12/2011
carolina Ziirsen AinetoAssinou: 20:40, 11/12/2011
Bertram GjerløvAssinou: 00:24, 04/12/2011
"unleash human potential"
armando simonAssinou: 23:12, 27/11/2011
"I support this initiative with all my heart, mind and consciousness. As a human, a father and a scientent being I dont see any other alternative for the future of this planet... "
unni daliAssinou: 13:09, 27/11/2011
Birthe Susanne NielsenAssinou: 10:53, 27/11/2011
"I love freedom, and we need it.."
Alexander AaenAssinou: 02:02, 24/11/2011
"I don't really have any comments, it pretty much sums up every aspect that I, myself think about."
Christopher ThuesenAssinou: 18:15, 19/11/2011
Pia Lona HansenAssinou: 19:27, 18/11/2011
"Love this! Can we do it today please ;0) I have been dreaming the same dream since I was a little girl : happy people living in peace and harmoni, without stress, with respect for the nature and with smiling loving faces. I dont no why I have this dream, maybe if we are lucky - it is the future:0).."
Sven Munch-PetersenAssinou: 09:16, 18/11/2011
Pia HollundAssinou: 17:37, 15/11/2011
Niclas KristensenAssinou: 23:47, 14/11/2011
peter fajmerAssinou: 01:25, 14/11/2011
André MarcosAssinou: 12:40, 13/11/2011
"When i open my eyes i start dreaming"
martin juncherAssinou: 10:53, 10/11/2011
Lasse Skou LindstadAssinou: 21:19, 08/11/2011
Thomas Modeweg-HansenAssinou: 10:48, 08/11/2011
"If only i could see the way the transition should come about. How do we stop the use of money ? I love the idea, and I wish for it. "
Iván S. PasarínAssinou: 13:02, 07/11/2011
Mai Søndergaard MadsenAssinou: 15:09, 03/11/2011
Michael WolffAssinou: 19:37, 02/11/2011
Sarah MøllerAssinou: 23:07, 01/11/2011
Fanny BrandtAssinou: 17:21, 01/11/2011
Maria BillingtonAssinou: 16:44, 01/11/2011
Christian Hjort skildal MøllerAssinou: 15:24, 01/11/2011
"Rember flowers... love to you alle"
Hans HoumøllerAssinou: 15:23, 01/11/2011
Jannick LadefogedAssinou: 15:20, 01/11/2011
Heine ChristiansenAssinou: 14:19, 01/11/2011
"As equality equals life you must now have a feeling of what inequality is, and when some live it; we live it. An organism at war with itself is doomed:"
Thomas HiltAssinou: 14:00, 01/11/2011
Anders Bøgeløv JensenAssinou: 13:07, 01/11/2011
"Why havent I heard of this before, I will share to everybody I know"
Michael HansenAssinou: 11:43, 01/11/2011
henrik ellehuus petersenAssinou: 14:32, 28/10/2011
Kenni FrederiksenAssinou: 17:58, 26/10/2011
Anders EllehuusAssinou: 23:18, 25/10/2011
Anders PetersenAssinou: 19:22, 25/10/2011
Leif BriisAssinou: 00:49, 25/10/2011
"Yes! I think its exactly what we need to survive the banksters and as a spices on the planet. Let's go for it right now!"
Anastasia Marianna HansenAssinou: 17:02, 24/10/2011
Gert LarsenAssinou: 14:47, 24/10/2011
Dorthe BahneAssinou: 13:31, 24/10/2011
Alex VolkovAssinou: 09:21, 16/10/2011
"Brilliant message, that needs to be spread more effectively."
Pelle Ezekiel EsbensenAssinou: 07:18, 16/10/2011
"Great initiative. You may want to highlight the fact that this is a longer process, we're going through, both individually and as a community. One cannot become sustainable, throw off all old habits and attain unified consciousness overnight. But we can all adopt the principle of aiming for a little more sharing and caring each and every day - in whatever circumstances life hands us. As long as we don't mind doing the little things and the legwork - most of us can change with the world for the better - BECAUSE it is a process. Rejoice in living through these times. Give the gift of giving."
Rasmus EngstrømAssinou: 01:32, 12/10/2011
Hector BrekiAssinou: 11:25, 07/10/2011
Magnus KelstrupAssinou: 10:53, 07/10/2011
Till RohwerAssinou: 02:25, 04/10/2011
Thiago AlmeidaAssinou: 17:14, 03/10/2011
"Great initiative guys. One day we will live in a free world."
Helle NissenAssinou: 11:47, 03/10/2011
Soeren EkelundAssinou: 22:57, 01/10/2011
"Agreed, although with the additional comment that article 1 and 2 should be granted to not only natural life, but also to comparable non-natural intelligences, such as AI, and in addition article 1 and 2 should take into consideration that nature has always had near-extinction as a premise for evolution (and thus progress) and that near-extinctions should therefore not necessarily be prevented. Complete extinction should never happen however, and the option to recreate a species/subspecies always be retained, since we can never know when such a species would be very beneficial if not completely necessary for the common good – and the same principle should count for knowledge and technology of all kinds; never should we let opportunities of the past be forgotten in the future."
Steffen BondeAssinou: 15:26, 28/09/2011
"A system without money has been my vision for ages. Thanks for bringin' it to a whole new level!"
Mads RasmussenAssinou: 16:30, 25/09/2011
"It's time we free ourselves from a system that technology has rendered obsolete. A resource based society is the only sustainable way to provide for the whole planet."

* Por favor note, os comentários de signatários não são moderados e podem não reflectir com rigor as perspectivas desta iniciativa

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