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Mostrando 1,202 signatários de Belgium

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Loïc CambierAssinou: 01:18, 05/01/2012
"Ca serait merveilleux vraiment ... C'est mon rêve"
Wim VanbeverAssinou: 18:26, 04/01/2012
Stephanie MAssinou: 15:30, 04/01/2012
Evy SixAssinou: 15:20, 04/01/2012
stijn norgaAssinou: 11:59, 04/01/2012
kiki loverixAssinou: 23:14, 03/01/2012
pierre yves servatyAssinou: 22:10, 03/01/2012
enid jansenAssinou: 21:11, 03/01/2012
véronique docquierAssinou: 21:00, 03/01/2012
Dagobert SondervanAssinou: 20:59, 03/01/2012
Sandrine FievezAssinou: 20:56, 03/01/2012
"peut être le nouvel ordre mondial, mais il faudra une vraie apocalypse pour que ces notions (censées être innées) s'intègrent dans l'esprit de tous"
Anton Van HaverAssinou: 20:24, 03/01/2012
"Als dit Handvest ooit waarheid zal worden,dan kan het misschien nog goed aflopen,maar het moet wel snel gaan!! Stuur dit door en probeer zoveel mogelijk mensen te laten inzien dat zo een soort verandering nodig is om de switch naar een uitstootarme wereld echt maken."
Nick StrackxAssinou: 20:01, 03/01/2012
Sophie MambourgAssinou: 19:44, 03/01/2012
"The world did not need the money created by man so that we can live. The money is destroying us.We have to learn to live by respecting our environment as well as every human being on our planet. The money prevents us to it from it."
julien rambouxAssinou: 17:17, 03/01/2012
"Un rêve que j'ai déjà fait :)"
Alexander BrouxAssinou: 16:26, 03/01/2012
Wouter SchuttersAssinou: 16:23, 03/01/2012
antoine hendrickAssinou: 15:39, 03/01/2012
Pieter-Jan HollevoetAssinou: 15:06, 03/01/2012
Jo LabensAssinou: 14:34, 03/01/2012
bosselaers carolineAssinou: 13:54, 03/01/2012
pascal henrionAssinou: 13:45, 03/01/2012
"humain avant tout...le changement que nous attendons tous..."
Diana Van StrijdonckAssinou: 23:37, 02/01/2012
Saskia DhooreAssinou: 23:28, 02/01/2012
Narda BodemeijerAssinou: 22:21, 02/01/2012
Jean DepiesseAssinou: 21:08, 02/01/2012
jacqueline baijensAssinou: 19:16, 02/01/2012
Grimm Van GestelAssinou: 19:15, 02/01/2012
Carla willemaersAssinou: 17:25, 02/01/2012
Frédéric TolmatcheffAssinou: 20:08, 01/01/2012
"Let's try humanity!"
Lennert Van HoofAssinou: 11:54, 01/01/2012
Jeroen BernaersAssinou: 14:16, 31/12/2011
Lorenzo AugustiAssinou: 14:13, 31/12/2011
Thorr StevensAssinou: 13:06, 31/12/2011
"This is the probably the ONLY solution to ending human problems such as war, pollution, murder, crime, and overpopulation. Because of one simple reason: When we, as a community, work towards removing the reasons why people do crime, pollute, etc... then the problems that came with them will also dissappear. This idea or concept is basically called a "Resource Based Economy" and has been greatly researched and documented by Jacque Fresco, who is founder of "The Venus Project". For those who wan't more info about this, please visit their website"
occupy brusselsAssinou: 12:38, 31/12/2011
Jimmy SchepersAssinou: 11:46, 31/12/2011
Sabrina demeyerAssinou: 10:44, 31/12/2011
Julie CornetteAssinou: 10:36, 31/12/2011
hilde cuyversAssinou: 08:39, 31/12/2011
"I am a citizen of the world. All of the people are my family and the earth ,with all that lives, is our home. I want my family to be happy and my home to be warm and confortable. I have no need for money or borders. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to suscribe."
Robbert SegersAssinou: 11:39, 30/12/2011
wendy smoldersAssinou: 11:26, 30/12/2011
frank aertsAssinou: 23:59, 29/12/2011
Kathleen SwertsAssinou: 21:03, 29/12/2011
Sofie WillemsAssinou: 18:59, 29/12/2011
magda raemaekersAssinou: 18:58, 29/12/2011
"De wereld is van en voor iedereen!"
Michael VAssinou: 17:59, 29/12/2011
"The world can be free, we only have to make the choice together."
Kuniko OyakawaAssinou: 17:57, 29/12/2011
"This is something I always wish to be realized. "
Katleen ForierAssinou: 15:33, 29/12/2011
Marie-Jeanne PeetersAssinou: 15:27, 29/12/2011
John ThijsAssinou: 15:10, 29/12/2011
"I am more than willing to help tvp ! contact me please grtzz from belgium"

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