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"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Mostrando 1,949 signatários de Australia

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Ania GrycanAssinou: 01:36, 08/02/2016
Leila KhanAssinou: 23:27, 07/02/2016
Chloe BowmanAssinou: 15:18, 04/02/2016
Phillip VellaAssinou: 15:59, 30/01/2016
Joao FerroniAssinou: 13:15, 21/01/2016
Martin dassAssinou: 14:05, 08/01/2016
Rebecca JenningsAssinou: 10:38, 06/01/2016
maihi metekingiAssinou: 03:18, 06/01/2016
Helden VoicemasterAssinou: 05:29, 03/01/2016
"Thank you for taking the initiative to putting this charter and website together. "
Philip LaingAssinou: 03:13, 02/01/2016
harry manosAssinou: 00:27, 30/12/2015
"I have created an organisation called (EAGLE) if you believe in Eagle you believe in a free world from currency and slavery. Anyone can join just say these words (I believe in eagle) and your a member of Eagle. What eagle is about is that I believe that humanity is going on a wrong path."
Zane HamblinAssinou: 05:13, 22/12/2015
"We are the change !!!"
Jolene WinckelAssinou: 21:52, 20/12/2015
"this new society has already a name. Paradism ("
Phillip DjambovAssinou: 09:48, 18/12/2015
"I am all for the idea, the only problem is, the human condition is not as enlightened as we might hope them to be. "
Aditya VemireddyAssinou: 09:10, 18/12/2015
Alf de HombreAssinou: 20:27, 17/12/2015
"This is a sane approach to the safe progression of our societies into one humanity. Please share and support and keep in touch as this wonderful group grows. Alf"
Adam WrightAssinou: 03:36, 16/12/2015
"Life need not be complicated with all that has been forced around us. Unload this, and life can be lived!"
Lisa FredbergAssinou: 01:53, 16/12/2015
Adam SmithAssinou: 08:39, 12/12/2015
swoon dronesAssinou: 05:14, 11/12/2015
"Not someone to fit into a box, Frederick Malouf settled to study architecture which set him off on a journey to explore synergies beyond personal and global self-imposed boundaries. Travelling virtually moneyless for 10 years while seeing 39 countries and sailing across the Atlantic twice and completing a masters in design, he began a radio show, now called Theqse (pronounced ‘thesk') on Bondi Radio, to interview people in the sustainable space to discover why they did not collaborate, understanding it is the exchange model we use He now researches how to drive status in creating sustainable abundance, the empowering excellence decision making process to make that feasible, rewrites business plans around crowdfinding over crowdfunding, and leverages fully reputation-based qualitative exchange to make the above possible, along with the journey of discovering self, and be supported to fully express this without fear or compromise. I love you. :) I also fly drones."
Roberto Alejandro Rojas-MoralesAssinou: 07:41, 07/12/2015
Sean FahyAssinou: 21:39, 02/12/2015
Matthew GrayAssinou: 14:35, 02/12/2015
"It will be good not to only imagine such a world, but see it move from a possibility to a work in progress. We cannot afford to wait for ecosystem collapses of unacceptable magnitude to be the catalyst for change."
Patrick HorsfallAssinou: 03:47, 30/11/2015
Teresa McFerranAssinou: 11:23, 25/11/2015
Emmanuel MouilleAssinou: 18:50, 23/11/2015
"Planet earth is free, money isn't."
Tatiana SmithAssinou: 16:51, 23/11/2015
Scott TaylorAssinou: 15:04, 23/11/2015
Katrina McCreadieAssinou: 08:40, 23/11/2015
Elizabeth FitzRoyAssinou: 21:09, 22/11/2015
"I want to live in that world please"
Charlie GilchristAssinou: 02:04, 22/11/2015
gary eltAssinou: 20:11, 18/11/2015
"i had this vision 50 years ago-surprised to see it up and running"
Scott HansenAssinou: 13:40, 17/11/2015
David McwhinneyAssinou: 22:14, 16/11/2015
"A good and fair charter that all of humanity should be proud of."
Noel Mcwhinney Assinou: 21:28, 16/11/2015
"Namaste all, the collective consciousness of humanity is stepping up, to meet with our destined future, the divine in us all is emerging more. Hallelujah . Om Shanti, Shanti ,Shanti He. Hari he Om. Love and blessings SUGRIVA ????"
John A McWhinneyAssinou: 04:29, 15/11/2015
"Please make it HAPPEN !"
Monica DarroughAssinou: 00:12, 15/11/2015
virginia dysonAssinou: 22:09, 14/11/2015
"I believe that we do not need money, if everyone put in an honest day's work for them to support the whole community and in return everyone could take what they need we would eradicate greed. If you wanted a certain car go take it, if you wanted certain food etc. go take it. People would learn not to hoard, there would be enough for everyone to take what they need for the here and now. Those that can't or don't want to work? They will still be supported, I think that if we were all looked after and we put in the effort that we are capable of is all we can do. I'm sick of people thinking we're all the same cause we're not! We need to learn to accept the good in each other and learn to trust one another again."
Taylah BrownAssinou: 23:56, 13/11/2015
Slopo RodrigezAssinou: 14:44, 06/11/2015
"Most of my life I have told people we could have a fantastic money-free world only to be met with disbelief, derision & inability to think outside of their institutionalised box. Your video simplifies everything into a palatable context. Thank you. Your/Our message must be accepted by the majority of the worlds people to bring about this revolutionary change. I will do my best to accomplish this task."
Tamara OtelloAssinou: 03:29, 05/11/2015
Daniel LingardAssinou: 10:57, 25/10/2015
Irene Kondostanos Assinou: 10:36, 25/10/2015
"If everything is free and we all work to sustain and support humanity then we all thrive."
Felicity SpareyAssinou: 06:44, 25/10/2015
shaun lennoxAssinou: 22:49, 23/10/2015
"A country like my home, Australia, has every available resource we need for building a comfortable life for all. But sadly the way of life that we are lead to believe is right, is only making things worse. We should be feeding our homeless and the worlds unfortunate, but our politicians are charging our farmers extortive rates for water usage. We need to stop the pirates of the world from causing unnecessary suffering in the name of profit."
Joshua GrunikAssinou: 09:46, 17/10/2015
Jonathan DoigAssinou: 02:44, 12/10/2015
Joanna BaigentAssinou: 13:33, 10/10/2015
Scott WellsAssinou: 03:43, 06/10/2015
Karen WiseAssinou: 14:56, 04/10/2015

* Por favor note, os comentários de signatários não são moderados e podem não reflectir com rigor as perspectivas desta iniciativa

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