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"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

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JustLiving LifeReallyAssinou: 07:00, 03/11/2019
Janik ButschAssinou: 14:11, 02/11/2019
"Ich hoffe wir können zusammen viel erreichen !!!"
Paula LustembergAssinou: 19:52, 01/11/2019
Susanna Swart Assinou: 16:53, 31/10/2019
Heverton Paulo Silva FerreiraAssinou: 02:23, 30/10/2019
Narayan DuttAssinou: 13:56, 29/10/2019
"Hi, I too had the same thought. And I don't think it's easy to make the present world free from money, why can't we build a community of our own and show the world it's possible to have one. "
Matheus BezerraAssinou: 09:57, 29/10/2019
Marcus KendrotAssinou: 22:58, 28/10/2019
Igor Henrique IgorAssinou: 01:05, 28/10/2019
Jared YoderAssinou: 17:47, 27/10/2019
"Everything's free. "
Josephine Corden Assinou: 17:35, 27/10/2019
Anrik FélixAssinou: 15:08, 27/10/2019
Roger RogerAssinou: 00:55, 27/10/2019
Genesio FoltranAssinou: 00:42, 27/10/2019
Keyller Julio Rodrigues KeyllerAssinou: 19:03, 26/10/2019
Luciano ColaianniAssinou: 16:30, 26/10/2019
Lubomír ProkešAssinou: 10:04, 25/10/2019
"The world needs healing from our willing be "unawareous"."
Sean HagstromAssinou: 22:48, 24/10/2019
Saharsh JhunjhunwalaAssinou: 17:16, 23/10/2019
Ian Arthurs Assinou: 23:40, 22/10/2019
Zoltan MateyAssinou: 13:48, 22/10/2019
Corinne IonitaAssinou: 11:28, 22/10/2019
Pérsio BarrosAssinou: 17:15, 21/10/2019
Luca GuarinoAssinou: 16:43, 21/10/2019
Além da Matéria NavigatorAssinou: 10:35, 21/10/2019
HERBERT MARZALLAssinou: 10:05, 21/10/2019
Sven EdwardsAssinou: 00:01, 21/10/2019
"Q3. How is a consensus on what the common good is, reached? How do you get nation states to comply? Q4. How would nation states maintain their autonomy? How would this affect migration and what is the step by step process to get to a world without borders? Q5. What would be incorporated into school curriculums? How is it decided and how would it be applied internationallly? Is it a one size fits all? Is the Montessori system of education a consideration? Would philosophy and an understanding of workability in relationships be a imperative? What does it look like specifically? Q6. What are the prerequisites for obtaining more than the basic minimum of goods required to support life? (Luxuries) Is there an application of meritocracy? Q8. Do you advocate for a technocracy? What would an ideal system of governance look like? How would issues of a social/ethical nature be decided and by who? Q9. For those unable to contribute, what are their civic/social responsibilities?"
Trevor OwenAssinou: 15:27, 20/10/2019
BENjamin SmitAssinou: 17:17, 19/10/2019
Josué Llamas RodriguezAssinou: 11:09, 17/10/2019
Laia Garcia CanoAssinou: 21:22, 16/10/2019
Anthony Chris P. MalinabAssinou: 06:32, 16/10/2019
David BrüelAssinou: 12:34, 15/10/2019
Barry Thomas WoodAssinou: 17:59, 14/10/2019
Alexandra CappelliAssinou: 17:56, 14/10/2019
Patrizia BiancoAssinou: 17:54, 14/10/2019
David Fernandes Assinou: 21:03, 13/10/2019
Michael RuseAssinou: 10:41, 13/10/2019
Sascha Topel Assinou: 11:52, 12/10/2019
Sandra ParedesAssinou: 19:05, 11/10/2019
"I want to be free for money. "
Erica MasseyAssinou: 01:23, 10/10/2019
Adam CowleyAssinou: 11:38, 09/10/2019
"This is the only way that humanity can survive without destroying our planet as we know it. It is not'us and nature', We are part of the biosphere, nature. A capitalist society worships 'ownership'. We can never truly own anything as our lives are so short. Capitalism relies on the selfish ego that pits us against everyone else and the systems in place reinforce that. Somehow this has to be solved."
Kelly NealeAssinou: 22:00, 08/10/2019
julia carneiroAssinou: 15:48, 07/10/2019
Cauane CacauAssinou: 05:31, 06/10/2019
Andre ChavesAssinou: 22:16, 05/10/2019
Greg BurkAssinou: 08:32, 05/10/2019
Andrea BrownAssinou: 03:04, 05/10/2019
"Inspired by Greta Thunberg's message which has led me to this website."
Da NiAssinou: 13:43, 04/10/2019

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