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James LynchAssinou: 13:45, 08/12/2020
"The earth has suffered enormous abuse at the hands of the greedy. The poor, the hungry, and the sick are increasingly silenced and disempowered. The wealthiest are no longer satisfied with the most; their greed requires that they have it all and the rest have none. This is unprecedented in history at current proportions. More human suffering is inevitable. It is time for new priorities. A new way to live in harmony. It is time for the Free World Charter."
Tony SalvAssinou: 09:00, 07/12/2020
paolo terziAssinou: 08:00, 06/12/2020
Eberharad LichtAssinou: 05:23, 06/12/2020
"We don’t need the law of market anymore! Adam Smith’s time is long gone. We now live in the era of space travel, global communication and abundance. Now we can decide for ourselves what is good for us. We just have to remove the money to turn off the market. "
Jagmohan SinghAssinou: 15:22, 05/12/2020
Carole OneillAssinou: 05:34, 05/12/2020
Annette BarsbyAssinou: 04:59, 05/12/2020
"I totally agree with every word"
Raelian YueAssinou: 22:12, 04/12/2020
Ginger ManginelliAssinou: 18:43, 04/12/2020
Helen BishopAssinou: 15:05, 03/12/2020
"I have always had a strong sense from a child thay money was wrong, I don't like the way it dictates our way of life."
Otis TrammellAssinou: 09:05, 03/12/2020
Alan Frost Assinou: 08:56, 02/12/2020
Shirin GolshenasAssinou: 00:14, 02/12/2020
"I agree with a free earth full of joy, happiness, love and prosperity for all creatures on the planet. Towards a free, conscious and loving world.❤️??"
Roberto Coricciati Assinou: 08:00, 01/12/2020
"Unterstütze ich mit Freuden und visualisiere die Manifestation dieser wundervollen Vision."
celeste mc crannAssinou: 04:41, 01/12/2020
Nick ToombsAssinou: 10:56, 29/11/2020
Jacob DossAssinou: 09:58, 29/11/2020
Nathanael santiagoAssinou: 05:24, 29/11/2020
Lauren SkvarlaAssinou: 19:15, 28/11/2020
Alexandre BritoAssinou: 18:46, 27/11/2020
"Justo e Perfeito..."
Maria AzevedoAssinou: 06:54, 27/11/2020
Kolczyk MaxAssinou: 04:22, 27/11/2020
"Eine Welt ohne Zwang sondern, aus eigenem antrieb, aus der liebe zu dem Leben auf der welt. Ist nicht die freude der andren nicht der schönste "Lohn" auf Erden? "
Maisa D EliaAssinou: 14:41, 26/11/2020
Edwin AttawayAssinou: 07:16, 26/11/2020
Ismael luiz LuizAssinou: 02:54, 26/11/2020
Yogi NamuhAssinou: 00:20, 26/11/2020
"u8untu ich bin weil wir sind bereit zu dem würdevollem bedinungsfreien mut <1853"
Abraão ParisiAssinou: 13:04, 25/11/2020
Dan OrdowerAssinou: 06:13, 24/11/2020
Nadja KrummAssinou: 23:59, 22/11/2020
Telmo Leonardo M.Delgado Assinou: 19:38, 22/11/2020
Frantisek NemergutAssinou: 10:14, 22/11/2020
Reg ThomasAssinou: 09:56, 22/11/2020
André Luiz DonatelloAssinou: 09:33, 22/11/2020
Iam FrantisekAssinou: 09:15, 22/11/2020
"Love and Light...?"
Frantisek NemergutAssinou: 08:58, 22/11/2020
Josh HensleyAssinou: 19:44, 19/11/2020
Brian BorchardtAssinou: 00:39, 18/11/2020
Miruna TîrchilăAssinou: 07:19, 17/11/2020
Márcia Maria de AlmeidaAssinou: 11:54, 16/11/2020
Ryan LawrenceAssinou: 08:30, 16/11/2020
Ali Esmail pourAssinou: 01:15, 12/11/2020
Pedro PereiraAssinou: 05:49, 11/11/2020
Paula PriceAssinou: 16:08, 10/11/2020
Mateus SantosAssinou: 09:54, 09/11/2020
Pedro Araújo Assinou: 07:52, 09/11/2020
Diogo Pelaes Burgierman ljhuhjAssinou: 12:11, 08/11/2020
marjan zadnikarAssinou: 13:22, 07/11/2020
Bill MeeAssinou: 00:09, 07/11/2020

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