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Carta do Mundo Livre

"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Baleegh HafezAssinou: 21:25, 08/10/2016
"id like to say, out of what consumerism has done to this world, it has turned out humans into self preserved animals looking out for themselves and themselves only, living in poor conditions, we strive to survive everyday, living on the edge if not below is sickening and is ruining our minds more and more, i acknowledge, change has to start from ones self before it can be implemented on the rest of the world, but who are we kidding, do you really think people in high posts or people who have wealth more than 99% of the world are going to give up how they "live" for the better of the rest of the world? id really like to see that happening and id be the first to be standing and making it happen if only it were to happen "

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