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Carta do Mundo Livre

"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Bimal AryalAssinou: 01:44, 24/02/2014
"As we think so shall we's a good idea to keep the whole Mother Earth alive so that our future generation do not be the victim of mass destruction as in past n present domestic n world war.we only need non violence ; cheerfulness ;compassion ;happiness to keep the eternal right of LOVE n PEACE of all beings in this world.There've already been maximum sins n miseries in this beautiful planet due to discrimination among people .The seed of this is monetary system.we should have the real rt. of freedom .we r being deprived of real freedom .one is made Homeless due to lack of money. Another has to die because of Money why? If there be another way of living in this world without money ,it''ll be like a paradise where we all can live with entire peace in mind & full of Love on Heart.let's make this dream come true.nothing is impossible let's arise ,awake n do something each one's capacity to make world money Free in order to live the happiest life like up above in Astral World :)"

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