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Carta do Mundo Livre

"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Tina TurkAssinou: 09:25, 30/09/2012
"What is needed is a better explanation of HOW to get there and maintain it without same power struggle as we have now. Even without money people tend to manipulate each other to get what they want, they just replace the money with whatever it is what they value. So it needs to be thought of in great detil. This is the part I am missing. And how to motivate people (ourselves) to do things. Money is motivation in a sense that it is 'stored' energy, so you can work for it in january and spend it in may, without money people will feel lost in the freedom unless they understand very good that there is responsibility to ourselves and the world to do well what we are good at and we like to do. And sometimes, this is not the same thing, so it gets frustrated when the community might need you to fix water pipes, but you want to play the gitar. We need to find motivation for unpleasant work, that needs to be done. I wish you great success doing that! Tina"

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