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Carta do Mundo Livre

"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Anup Khattri ChettriAssinou: 21:49, 15/07/2012
"I am very glad to have discover this. Before I was clever so I was hell bent on changing the world. Now I am wise and chaning myself. The Change comes from within. After my awakening I have already started most of the thing that is stated here. I am vegetarian and wanna be vegan. I have reduced by consumption to bear minimum. I am still working as I am an engineer still need to learn there much and in future i want to help in sustainable development projects. I dont drink, dont smoke, live healthy life with different hobbies and do charity work that makes my life colourful. I send you guys good energies Anup P.S:Being an activisit does not only mean shouting, being serious and being rude to others who don't understand, its about celebrating our short existence on earth with all earthlings and doing our part. Being the agent of change with peace of mind so the energy flows and induces others automatically."

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