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"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Mostrando 580 signatários de India

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Amit SharmaAssinou: 22:33, 27/03/2013
"My dream is to live to that day where i will see the human consciousness acting according to what is logical, rational and humane in order to give us the chance to reach our highest potential. The difference between the Possible and the Impossible lies in a person's DETERMINATION....!!"
Farzad EftekharAssinou: 18:05, 27/03/2013
Mariyan Leon StephenAssinou: 10:45, 27/03/2013
Rameshkumar PenmetsaAssinou: 15:57, 25/03/2013
"Remove the Debt Monetary System."
Kartik Tanna Assinou: 20:37, 23/03/2013
MaanSinhji RanaAssinou: 18:15, 23/03/2013
"Hope this comes to effect! :) "
jaiveer singh sidhuAssinou: 08:26, 21/03/2013
"soverignity and private ownership is a right"
Sujit PhatakAssinou: 22:27, 11/03/2013
"Keep up the good work! With you and all the brothers and sisters in solidarity for the last human revolution. Love and peace. - Sujit"
Pravesh TamangAssinou: 07:07, 09/03/2013
Prabhakar KrishnamurthyAssinou: 13:44, 24/02/2013
"I wish everyone in the world adheres to this pledge and make this world a better place to live. "
naveen rsAssinou: 01:33, 24/02/2013
"tis wt the change i need fr .. "
Varinder SinghAssinou: 12:02, 14/02/2013
"Wondering when this sees the Light of Day!"
Tushar VermaAssinou: 07:53, 14/02/2013
munis ahmedAssinou: 15:29, 20/01/2013
"doin' this for my friend diego."
layla LightAssinou: 12:29, 16/01/2013
Ashley SmithAssinou: 08:16, 15/01/2013
Santhosh ThannikatAssinou: 06:20, 13/01/2013
"Free World! Alternative Economy is possible. "
dariya kuznikAssinou: 16:48, 05/01/2013
Sourav DebAssinou: 08:09, 05/01/2013
Debiprasad KunduAssinou: 18:06, 03/01/2013
"Yes lets make everything free that can help in common progressive growth of every human and living beings in mother planet Earth, Amen"
ASHOK SharmaAssinou: 14:22, 03/01/2013
"As a concerned Citizen of our Global Civil Society, I enVision that in Spirit of Love, Peace, Harmony and Spirited Co-operation we all come together to create Abundance for each one of us ! "
Japan PatelAssinou: 14:19, 28/12/2012
Mayur Nawal Assinou: 11:58, 27/12/2012
SRIVIDYA srinivasanAssinou: 06:33, 20/12/2012
jaya kiranAssinou: 17:36, 19/12/2012
"trying to make a change...want to get connected with like minded people."
aayush soniAssinou: 13:30, 16/12/2012
Clifton SequeiraAssinou: 06:34, 07/12/2012
"I would love to see this become a reality. The world has become greedy/selfish beyond recognition. If this initiative brings about a change I am all for it."
paul huAssinou: 20:20, 06/12/2012
Mohsin MukadamAssinou: 19:18, 06/12/2012
Niraj PanchalAssinou: 16:31, 06/12/2012
"It would be great if every person does work for each other, for example, instead of working as a Software professional each day for 8 hours, I could work 4 hours on the job, 2 hours to educate children, 2 more hours to help elder people with something, and this could be done thrice a week, so that I could also engage in social awareness the fourth day, help clean the environment the fifth day, help the old people the sixth day, and relax on the 7th day of the week. So, if the above mentioned system applies for each individual, then the employment can increase two-fold, as one person will work for 4 hours and another for next four, so each person will enjoy their share of contribution to their respective sectors (like Information Technology for me), and also engage in other social activities for the rest of the hours/days. The above system is an example, can be effectively modified."
Jose XavierAssinou: 15:08, 06/12/2012
Sharadwat MajumdarAssinou: 14:13, 06/12/2012
Harinath RaoAssinou: 13:59, 06/12/2012
Shantanu ChakravortyAssinou: 13:46, 06/12/2012
"I want to live in a free world! Absolutely behind this initiative!"
Karthikeyan IyengarAssinou: 13:34, 06/12/2012
Afaque AzadAssinou: 12:06, 06/12/2012
"Apun toh fukat public hai! You?"
Ajit AliveAssinou: 15:10, 29/11/2012
renu neogyAssinou: 08:27, 22/11/2012
"I think we/this organization should create a global citizen passport with the FreeWorldCharter published within. That way we can begin a real campaign for a new world and show our choice in our lives and to the officials when we travel. Please consider it. (Bring your original passport as well ... just in case ;-) ... )"
william sullivanAssinou: 05:22, 18/11/2012
"Finally, and Thank You"
Ganesh BadgudeAssinou: 02:51, 14/11/2012
Manish LakhaniAssinou: 19:41, 13/11/2012
"Idea is too idealistic; question is how we are going to achieve it?"
Bharat SuriAssinou: 20:39, 29/10/2012
Vaibhav TrivediAssinou: 16:33, 27/10/2012
Ronin MeshuggaAssinou: 17:45, 25/10/2012
"I know this will get through... if not in my time then soon... and just in time... Nature Never Did Betray The Heart That Loved Her."
Srinivasa Rao PendyalaAssinou: 14:14, 25/10/2012
Ankush LaxmanAssinou: 12:35, 25/10/2012
Susmit Ray ChoudhuriAssinou: 11:29, 25/10/2012
Sanjay KulkarniAssinou: 19:11, 23/10/2012
knd prasadAssinou: 06:18, 23/10/2012
Sajoy JosephAssinou: 16:55, 18/10/2012
"I agree, and one other important thing for me is a world without boundaries."

* Por favor note, os comentários de signatários não são moderados e podem não reflectir com rigor as perspectivas desta iniciativa

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