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Carta do Mundo Livre

"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Dylan MuirheadAssinou: 15:51, 06/08/2016
"Hello As someone who advocates a moneyless society already, I agree with this notion of a global community, without oppression, without starvation, without the destruction of our earth for profit. We as the human race need to abandon this use of money, to free ourselves of debt and stress, just to stay alive. I love my work (carpentry) and would continue to work to provide the service I have, to help my out society, without a wage. But work really is a "desperation" thing. I NEED to work, to provide for my family, to make sure they have clothes, food, clean water, a roof over their head, are safe and healthy. And we struggle to do this, and because of "Capitalism" this is my fault, since I couldn't afford a better education, or get a better job. I hope your project continues to grow, and I will be beside you and help in anyway I can to continue to advocate for a better society for all humans."

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