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Carta do Mundo Livre

"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Deborah PirzkAssinou: 20:08, 14/06/2016
"This is great use for social media...the more we stop & think the better off this planet we call home will be for future generations It saddens me to know more than 40% of species hav or r on the brink of extinction....all within my lifetime of 5 decades.. Now future generations will never know the many jewels of the animal kingdom that had an important role in Mother Natures perfect balance. We may not speak their language but our fellow creatures understand us better than we ourselves can. Let us be their voice for their right to compassion & freedom to live without fear of mankinds maddness, greed & undeserving entitlement to mother earths resources. ~♡~ A soul remains unawake until touched by the love of an animal ~ a soul is born to walk in peace & with kindness to all creation...~♤~ "

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