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Carta do Mundo Livre

"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Vivek NairAssinou: 07:05, 26/01/2012
"While our ideals are where they should be, what method of transition has been devised to make it a reality? I have discussed these same principles with my peers but fall short when i need to give them a realistic movement towards our ideals. I have come to a realization that we would have to wait for the economy to fall flat (as its already falling) before society will embrace such (in their eyes) a risky endeavor, as it completely evolves ones goals, as the only thing driving society today is 'competition', & not 'purpose'. Necessity is no longer the mother of invention, it is competition. So to actually manifest such ideals in our society we have two choices as far as I can see, 1. catalyse the economic downfall (we see the ditch in the road only after we fall in) 2. or a global awakening of sorts that release society from its fear and illusive dependency on money (competition). "

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