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Povelja slobodnog svijeta

"Učinimo sve besplatnim i slobodnim"

Prikazuje 1,202 potpisnici iz Belgium

  [Pokaži sve države]

Brian van LijfPotpisao: 17:12, 01/12/2017
Tania DerckPotpisao: 16:14, 24/11/2017
DANIEL CIOCPotpisao: 21:43, 21/10/2017
Alec D'Hollander Potpisao: 02:52, 20/10/2017
Peter DBPotpisao: 06:48, 12/09/2017
Dayana dos Santos Rodrigues DayPotpisao: 00:00, 17/08/2017
"Que essa iniciativa desperte a consciência e a verdadeira natureza humana que é viver livremente e abundantemente em equilíbrio com a biodiversidade e em conjunto com os demais seres humanos."
Emy ClaessensPotpisao: 19:05, 07/04/2017
jellis meeusPotpisao: 05:39, 26/03/2017
Niels Van de VoordePotpisao: 11:13, 09/02/2017
Thierry Deschamps Potpisao: 00:42, 28/11/2016
Miranda NysPotpisao: 13:03, 10/11/2016
"The solution for world Peace ❤?✌ YES! ❤"
Bart Vanden DriesschePotpisao: 18:19, 31/10/2016
Fodor ZoltanPotpisao: 14:53, 14/10/2016
kurt geversPotpisao: 08:56, 26/09/2016
kurt geversPotpisao: 11:13, 14/09/2016
Bertrand LarsyPotpisao: 21:06, 09/08/2016
Vincent GeofroidPotpisao: 09:41, 31/07/2016
"Merci à vous. Car c'est un vieux rêve que j'aimerais voire se réaliser. Merci pour ton boulot mister cordonnier. ? "
Panesi AnniePotpisao: 06:25, 30/07/2016
"I'im very interested to live this way,"
Tim PeetersPotpisao: 14:52, 28/05/2016
Aurélie De GraefPotpisao: 11:13, 12/05/2016
charis SchoovaertsPotpisao: 08:24, 06/05/2016
Katia Van AvermaetPotpisao: 13:11, 03/05/2016
"Ik wil heel graag deel uitmaken van zo'n wereld!"
britta hoeyberghsPotpisao: 13:58, 27/04/2016
tony claessensPotpisao: 19:02, 26/04/2016
Andre P. LeBlancPotpisao: 17:10, 25/04/2016
"Great initiative!! But remember: cooperation and communitisation... We must consolidate our efforts... So many good projects who... work independently from the others... Cheers!!"
kas artsPotpisao: 11:49, 17/04/2016
Christel DecockPotpisao: 01:27, 16/04/2016
"Love & Peace on planet earth"
Dominique KenensPotpisao: 11:04, 15/03/2016
"This needs to be coupled to Unconditional Basic Income!"
daniel de keyserPotpisao: 18:08, 14/03/2016
Sofie HaesaertsPotpisao: 16:09, 13/03/2016
Carlo CuijpersPotpisao: 10:50, 22/02/2016
Micael keppensPotpisao: 19:58, 10/02/2016
Michael Sabbe MichaelPotpisao: 10:07, 05/02/2016
Ivan KevinPotpisao: 12:03, 04/02/2016
claire meyerPotpisao: 16:59, 25/01/2016
Didier brackePotpisao: 10:38, 25/01/2016
"Même si cela me paraît irréalisable J acquiesce totalement à cette façon d entrevoir un nouvel ordre"
Rémi GenonPotpisao: 09:02, 25/01/2016
Sonja MichielsPotpisao: 11:32, 18/01/2016
Thierry GRAFFPotpisao: 12:58, 11/01/2016
Ilias RoosePotpisao: 14:30, 22/12/2015
"The time has come for all people of this earth to take a good look at ourselves and our society as a whole and to re-evaluate what we want to be. We are recreating the fall of the Roman empire on a global scale and need to take decisive action if we wish to prevent the next 'dark age'. A Resource Based Economy is a viable alternative, but only if we can reach the critical mass of people needed to bring about the changes. So inform as many people as you can and bring them out from the darkness of ingorance and denial. Together we can change the world for the better."
damien carisPotpisao: 14:36, 11/12/2015
"j'ai cette utopie en tête depuis gamin, pour moi ses logique, et je n'ai jamais compris cette société de sur consommation mais bon ... j'ai l'espoir, et baucoup d'amour a donner ^^"
Coralie GaloppinPotpisao: 14:28, 11/12/2015
Jacqueline Van de leurPotpisao: 21:16, 24/11/2015
Koen VerheyenPotpisao: 13:45, 18/11/2015
Lloyd LieffrigPotpisao: 03:04, 17/11/2015
"Un monde sans argent pour une évolution intelectuel grandissante "
Xavina MusPotpisao: 23:38, 13/11/2015
Mathias De NevePotpisao: 23:12, 13/11/2015
Hélène VanietPotpisao: 21:19, 31/10/2015
Etelka SzékelyPotpisao: 16:17, 31/10/2015

* Imajte na umu, komentari potpisnika nisu izmijenjeni i ne moraju točno odražavati stajališta ove inicijative

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