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Povelja slobodnog svijeta

"Učinimo sve besplatnim i slobodnim"

Prikazuje 60,290 potpisnici iz sve zemlje

Sean NolanPotpisao: 23:23, 12/09/2023
Edward-Reginald LaddPotpisao: 08:46, 07/09/2023
"There is no one we are waiting for. We are the ones that have the ability to unify and restore the Sanity of this planet. So that the future generations are brought into a peaceful inhabitable ecology that is based on these self evident truths and bound by natural law. With the aim and focus upon the growth and balance of all life. Practicing Emotional Intelligence, Peaceful resolutions to conflict and restoration and management of the Ecology. Self Sufficient and self sustaining. :Reginal-Edward (family of Ladd)from the Edward the Elder Lineage."
Antonio LongoPotpisao: 18:52, 01/09/2023
Suzanne MalinowskiPotpisao: 22:41, 31/08/2023
Franc HribernikPotpisao: 18:46, 26/08/2023
Stefan MollovPotpisao: 14:59, 24/08/2023
Jesús Ruiz Potpisao: 16:51, 20/08/2023
Simone FontanaPotpisao: 11:51, 19/08/2023
Neimar DuartePotpisao: 17:25, 15/08/2023
PILAR SAMPERPotpisao: 22:50, 14/08/2023
marcos cabreraPotpisao: 00:48, 05/08/2023
Caleb WichmanPotpisao: 15:48, 19/07/2023
"We're all in this together. One world, one people."
Jonathan GreenPotpisao: 01:46, 15/07/2023
"I've been designing an almost free community and in college so I can make the money to build it"
Kate AndersonPotpisao: 20:48, 10/07/2023
Markus Koop Potpisao: 08:00, 07/07/2023
Markus WittkePotpisao: 00:49, 05/07/2023
"Seid 7 jahren will ich gern geld abschaffen,seit der pandemie,sollte es jetzt jeder wissen,was geld wirklich bedeutet.sklaverei.deutschland hilft 120 ländern mit unseren das wirklich so?dei regierungen bekommen das geld.der untertan nicht.arga in afrika sollen die hungernöte vertreiben.stattdessen abhängigkeit und armut schreitet weiter voran.29000 menschen jeden tag sterben auf der.9 millionen jedes jahr.ich weiss was freiheit bedeutet.was wir hier haben,ist eine andere form von diktatur.keine demokratie.war sie nie."
Edwin KokPotpisao: 16:48, 26/06/2023
Keso KentPotpisao: 03:02, 19/06/2023
Eddie O'StrangePotpisao: 18:07, 17/06/2023
Vanessa Rodrigues dos SantosPotpisao: 22:57, 16/06/2023
Pat MeePotpisao: 09:54, 16/06/2023
Steve MartinPotpisao: 06:34, 16/06/2023
JOHN BIDWELLPotpisao: 01:25, 16/06/2023
Wolfgang FrickPotpisao: 08:39, 15/06/2023
Denise WisePotpisao: 07:59, 14/06/2023
"Remembering our past lives of pain and trauma and healing them is the important step towards being in a loving community where people have addressed their shadows"
Brittney JohnsonPotpisao: 23:06, 13/06/2023
Melda HundPotpisao: 15:59, 13/06/2023
" In dieser Community wollen wir einander zeigen, was wir täglich im Alltag schon umsetzen und wie uns diese neuen Sichtweisen verändert haben. Auch und vor allem durch die"
Filippo GordiniPotpisao: 05:27, 13/06/2023
Paul Bradley Potpisao: 21:35, 10/06/2023
Yeferson Gaspar Potpisao: 20:02, 04/06/2023
Gai TrickeyPotpisao: 01:52, 30/05/2023
Josef OrelPotpisao: 09:02, 28/05/2023
"For our own good Amor fati"
Angélique DumontPotpisao: 08:00, 28/05/2023
Yves THOOFTPotpisao: 22:34, 26/05/2023
Daniel SpiegelPotpisao: 20:10, 26/05/2023
"Lasst uns alle so agieren wie es die Indigenen Völker über Tausende von Jahren praktiziert haben (bis sie von Religionen dezimiert wurden)."
Michele LevreyPotpisao: 07:34, 25/05/2023
"Pour un monde libre et juste de la transparence "
Daniel Belcher Potpisao: 00:13, 24/05/2023
ernesto linaje rodríguezPotpisao: 12:04, 19/05/2023
Lael GarciaPotpisao: 01:28, 18/05/2023
Jared SandsPotpisao: 12:33, 16/05/2023
Joy BosePotpisao: 10:36, 16/05/2023
Daniel Washburn Potpisao: 02:04, 16/05/2023
Giovanni FrattiniPotpisao: 22:23, 14/05/2023
Jens SeilerPotpisao: 06:12, 14/05/2023
Edson de Paula Paula rochaPotpisao: 12:20, 12/05/2023
"Este dia está mais perto do q imaginamos."
Jonathan SimardPotpisao: 01:24, 12/05/2023
Juliano Fiorio Brochado JuPotpisao: 23:13, 10/05/2023
Sidney Souza Potpisao: 20:48, 10/05/2023
Garibaldi Soares GomesPotpisao: 14:27, 10/05/2023
"Um mundo igualitário e fraternal é possível,eu acredito "
Nisrien Yakub-Weber Potpisao: 06:26, 10/05/2023

* Imajte na umu, komentari potpisnika nisu izmijenjeni i ne moraju točno odražavati stajališta ove inicijative

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