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Mostrar 1,266 firmantes de Slovenia

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Jan RomeFirmado: 01:56, 06/10/2012
Simona KnavsFirmado: 20:57, 05/10/2012
"Absolutno! To je pot in cilj!"
rok janževičFirmado: 15:25, 05/10/2012
uros lipovecFirmado: 09:53, 05/10/2012
Igor ČesnikFirmado: 22:28, 04/10/2012
Maja SeverFirmado: 21:22, 04/10/2012
Zdenka VodebFirmado: 21:09, 04/10/2012
Igor SancinFirmado: 21:04, 04/10/2012
Matevž ŠaleharFirmado: 20:25, 04/10/2012
Jolanda JerebFirmado: 20:20, 04/10/2012
Metka ŠaleharFirmado: 20:11, 04/10/2012
Polona PerneFirmado: 15:43, 04/10/2012
Špela LeničFirmado: 14:59, 04/10/2012
Jaka ...Firmado: 10:50, 03/10/2012
Uroš LangFirmado: 09:04, 03/10/2012
Rozi StegenšekFirmado: 21:48, 01/10/2012
Miha KoritnikFirmado: 00:14, 01/10/2012
"Vem, da prihaja resnično čudovit čas, ko bo človek končno ter znova sprejel svojo najpomembnejšo vlogo; varuh planeta Zemlje. svetloba, toplota, spokoj, harmonija. hvala. pozdrav!"
Denis BeskovnikFirmado: 14:28, 30/09/2012
s LAVICA BohorcFirmado: 13:04, 30/09/2012
jan janyFirmado: 12:55, 30/09/2012
Tina TurkFirmado: 09:25, 30/09/2012
"What is needed is a better explanation of HOW to get there and maintain it without same power struggle as we have now. Even without money people tend to manipulate each other to get what they want, they just replace the money with whatever it is what they value. So it needs to be thought of in great detil. This is the part I am missing. And how to motivate people (ourselves) to do things. Money is motivation in a sense that it is 'stored' energy, so you can work for it in january and spend it in may, without money people will feel lost in the freedom unless they understand very good that there is responsibility to ourselves and the world to do well what we are good at and we like to do. And sometimes, this is not the same thing, so it gets frustrated when the community might need you to fix water pipes, but you want to play the gitar. We need to find motivation for unpleasant work, that needs to be done. I wish you great success doing that! Tina"
Marjuta SlamicFirmado: 08:43, 30/09/2012
Damjan MandelcFirmado: 08:05, 30/09/2012
Darja SlokanFirmado: 07:28, 30/09/2012
Mojca Vadnjal LapFirmado: 07:17, 30/09/2012
Lara JankovičFirmado: 01:55, 30/09/2012
"Čestitke za tako listino! Ko se bomo tega držali, bomo ončno razviti in civilizirani. Hvala, da ste."
Isabell PapFirmado: 11:05, 23/09/2012
Črtomir ŠtefanecFirmado: 11:03, 23/09/2012
RENEJA KLANŠEKFirmado: 14:03, 19/09/2012
Žarko ManojlovičFirmado: 06:50, 18/09/2012
Barbara MilavecFirmado: 20:40, 17/09/2012
Kristof GajsekFirmado: 21:55, 14/09/2012
Nina PavšekFirmado: 08:14, 14/09/2012
Leon VidovicFirmado: 21:32, 13/09/2012
"I just love the idea of better world, the way you describe it. Keep up the good work informing people. Lets stand together and maybe some day, there will be more and more of us - to make a difference. Peace Leon "
Barbara OjoFirmado: 13:14, 12/09/2012
"Je bil že skrajni čas... :)"
Milena HribarFirmado: 12:36, 12/09/2012
Klemen KosFirmado: 11:48, 12/09/2012
Jure MolekFirmado: 11:30, 12/09/2012
Zeljko ZuberFirmado: 10:05, 10/09/2012
maja modrijanFirmado: 16:02, 09/09/2012
Mirjana Andres-RogovicFirmado: 07:29, 08/09/2012
"I am from Croatia, Europe, ex Yugoslavia (like Slovenia) and you didn't put this country on your list"
elvis čehićFirmado: 16:44, 05/09/2012
Aleš MatavžFirmado: 19:19, 03/09/2012
Sara RingFirmado: 19:18, 03/09/2012
Miran GoršeFirmado: 02:39, 02/09/2012
Nedzad HadzipasicFirmado: 13:49, 01/09/2012
Nita PremrovFirmado: 11:38, 01/09/2012
"... open your eyes and free yourself!"
Martin LukachFirmado: 11:13, 01/09/2012
"To bi bila lahko prihodnost našega planeta in življenja na njem, če bi ljudje odprli svoj um in doumeli da smo že več tisoč let vedno sužnji nekomu. Predvsem pa se moramo zavedati tega da če mi prekinemo z potrošnjo in posledično z delom ki proizvaja presežno vrednost se bo tudi ta fašistično okultni neo fevdalistični imperij sesul v nič in da to ne pomeni konca vsega in da tehnologija ne predstavlja pogube ampak rešitev vendar jo moramo uporabiti pravilno (torej popolnoma nasprotno kot jo uporabljamo dandanes) Naj nas stroji ne zasužnjujejo, ''zasužnjimo'' mi stroje! ''No gods, no masters!''"
ernest božičFirmado: 10:36, 31/08/2012
JADRANKA BARTUSFirmado: 21:06, 30/08/2012

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