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Mostrar 1,266 firmantes de Slovenia

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Dejan PračekFirmado: 11:01, 31/12/2011
Blaž StrojinFirmado: 10:56, 31/12/2011
Nigel ObradovićFirmado: 10:53, 31/12/2011
Mitja ForščekFirmado: 08:38, 31/12/2011
Sebastijan GregorčičFirmado: 08:21, 31/12/2011
Tilen MurgeljFirmado: 06:10, 31/12/2011
Vid SerazinFirmado: 01:17, 31/12/2011
Matej UrsejFirmado: 23:56, 30/12/2011
"Idea is great, but thousands of rich people wouldt make that happen.We need time fot the next generation(20 years) to get the power and possibility to do that kind of world "rules" reorder and then we will see. "
Nikola AndrićFirmado: 23:36, 30/12/2011
"Great! A bit optimistic, but I'll give it a try nevertheless. Capitalism is slavery and I was reading on past knowlede on how to free the people from "wage slavery" (marxsism ect.), where the ideal is the "no class society" (by workers/preletariat controling the means of production and capital)... but this is step further (even though similar to cominism/marxism) Good luck with the project, may you free us all! p.s. sorry for bad english, bit rusty, not my primary (or secundary lol) language"
Sanimir HamulicFirmado: 23:14, 30/12/2011
Alex HucFirmado: 22:54, 30/12/2011
Lin moreFirmado: 22:29, 30/12/2011
Matic GorjanFirmado: 22:20, 30/12/2011
"thank u i agree if u can make this happen u are a HERO!!! :D"
Benjamin FeršFirmado: 22:05, 30/12/2011
"I really hope this is a serious project and not some kind of scam again. And if, i hope it succeeds from the bottom of my heart."
Damir BorojevićFirmado: 21:52, 30/12/2011
MATIJA IRSICFirmado: 21:35, 30/12/2011
Zoran StojkovicFirmado: 21:09, 30/12/2011
rok askercFirmado: 20:59, 30/12/2011
Jaka UrhFirmado: 20:55, 30/12/2011
Miha PosavecFirmado: 20:42, 30/12/2011
Tomaž ŠterFirmado: 20:41, 30/12/2011
S KFirmado: 20:40, 30/12/2011
GREGOR NOVAKFirmado: 20:15, 30/12/2011
Uroš HrastarFirmado: 20:13, 30/12/2011
"The world as we know it must end"
Leon FerkoFirmado: 20:04, 30/12/2011
Mitja ŠerugaFirmado: 19:41, 30/12/2011
Danilo PretnarFirmado: 19:40, 30/12/2011
Brane SvilarFirmado: 19:31, 30/12/2011
Franc GorencFirmado: 19:15, 30/12/2011
tomi tomcFirmado: 19:13, 30/12/2011
Dejan PalFirmado: 19:05, 30/12/2011
simon odarFirmado: 19:04, 30/12/2011
"THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!"
kristjan cvetekFirmado: 18:59, 30/12/2011
Anton ZupančičFirmado: 18:53, 30/12/2011
Žan BaranjaFirmado: 18:49, 30/12/2011
"Thank you for showing your video to world."
Blaž PestnerFirmado: 18:19, 30/12/2011
Marjan RakusaFirmado: 18:09, 30/12/2011
Klemen HergaFirmado: 18:06, 30/12/2011
Damjan CamelFirmado: 18:06, 30/12/2011
Matej KorenFirmado: 17:10, 30/12/2011
Sidnej RomihFirmado: 16:59, 30/12/2011
"Way to the better civilization! "
Blaž StanonikFirmado: 16:53, 30/12/2011
Timotej MajdicFirmado: 16:39, 30/12/2011
Domen KoržeFirmado: 16:30, 30/12/2011
"Love and compassion!"
David GorinšekFirmado: 16:25, 30/12/2011
Gregor TomaševFirmado: 16:04, 30/12/2011
Erik PovhFirmado: 16:00, 30/12/2011
Damjana ŠturmFirmado: 15:58, 30/12/2011
Matej ŠnuderlFirmado: 15:37, 30/12/2011
Sergej AmbrozicFirmado: 15:10, 30/12/2011

* Por favor, ten en cuenta que los comentarios de los firmantes no se moderan y es posible que no reflejen la opinión de esta iniciativa

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