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La Carta Del Mundo Libre

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Mostrar 746 firmantes de Sweden

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Trym BerglundFirmado: 16:12, 12/05/2016
Matti ManhemFirmado: 23:21, 09/05/2016
Per AnderssonFirmado: 18:42, 25/04/2016
sonny kristianssonFirmado: 03:23, 19/04/2016
sonny kristianssonFirmado: 21:57, 16/04/2016
Karin JonassonFirmado: 09:27, 11/04/2016
Paul MartinaFirmado: 11:42, 16/03/2016
Grazyna SzafrugaFirmado: 16:13, 12/03/2016
"To byloby szczesliwe zycie,ktore jest tak krotkie........."
Ramin RezadostFirmado: 17:08, 09/03/2016
Heike KunkelFirmado: 12:46, 20/02/2016
Kansel MeilFirmado: 14:14, 14/02/2016
Mélia ParizelFirmado: 12:58, 25/01/2016
Mathias Hamlet Firmado: 11:54, 13/01/2016
"Hopefully I have not just signed a extermination list, and if I did Im glad Im not one of the 1%;ers anyway. And before I go extinct I put my vote on Open Source Ecology thats the way forward guys, no room for hidden agendas and crazy conspiracies in a society where everything is open for scrutiny, let's do it! "
Thom GustafssonFirmado: 20:42, 03/01/2016
Erik KällgrenFirmado: 20:29, 17/11/2015
Susan RFirmado: 22:41, 14/11/2015
Marcus CzövekFirmado: 15:10, 12/11/2015
Mats JonasonFirmado: 14:56, 19/10/2015
Michelle Palmér Firmado: 01:52, 19/10/2015
Anthony StopekFirmado: 15:31, 18/10/2015
Tobias ErikssonFirmado: 11:00, 18/10/2015
Markus BerningeFirmado: 00:19, 15/10/2015
"Hello Colin Turner, I wanted to be a part of a free world without money which everyone can be apart of and a world without economical barriers or fear which create unfair and unhappiness.Where everyone can go to a hospital and get their medicine they need to be healthy. There shouldn't be any bills for getting your rights to go on living healthy as a human being. I think in the future we all can sort it out to help everyone, we have the resources but we don't have our will or freedom to make such a future possible today. I will never lose my hopes of a freedom greater than we have today. We all live in an illusion that a world without money isn't possible, at least that's what the banks and politics want us to think. The time when the people will realize we don't need leaders to brainwash us anymore to make things work together. We simply have the tools today to communicate across continents and create a perfect world together without borders and political leaders. Thank you!"
Yvonne LundqvistFirmado: 20:38, 27/09/2015
JENS JERNDALFirmado: 13:16, 12/09/2015
"Of course I agree to all the principles above. But I do not understand how such a society is possible without some kind of currency or credit vouchers or similar. After all, a lot of work has to be done for this to function and some people have to take on the responsibility of organizing it and making it work. It´s not as if everything hangs on trees free for us to pick, and never runs out. In a civilized prosperous high-tech society, such as we have become accustomed to, things do not happen by themselves, and a lot of different kinds of work has to be organized and performed. Some people may not want to do anything at all, just pick the free fruits. And, even if others are willing to do the necessary work, given human nature I doubt that most of them would be ready to provide work or resources for others without a fair compensation or return. Please explain HOW you see society functioning without some kind of fair exchange and reward system."
Elin RyosaFirmado: 19:58, 05/09/2015
Kim KnutssonFirmado: 17:49, 01/08/2015
tobias HelsingFirmado: 00:57, 13/07/2015
Irene NFirmado: 12:06, 11/07/2015
"The possibilities are endless x"
Erik StaflinFirmado: 17:13, 27/06/2015
Gergő Galyas Firmado: 20:29, 16/06/2015
Daniel LudvigsenFirmado: 19:45, 15/06/2015
"I have dedicated my life to these kind of movements and communities ! together for a resource based economy !!"
Tommy PerssonFirmado: 15:56, 02/06/2015
Mikael PerssonFirmado: 13:28, 23/05/2015
Michel FuchsFirmado: 18:39, 03/04/2015
Aron ManekFirmado: 17:39, 01/04/2015
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.. Albert Einstein Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html#25YMe493hkGXp3tR.99"
Nice GranFirmado: 14:06, 24/03/2015
Daniel PallinFirmado: 16:11, 23/03/2015
"We are one. Planet Earth."
Mats RydbergFirmado: 00:57, 21/03/2015
"A free world without money that govern our thinking that we have to work to pay our debts instead of working for what we need to survive. If all people have a normal and fair standard of living and social justice would automatically reduce the world's population and we would not have an overpopulated Earth. A free world without war and hunger in poor countries would stop terrorism and its retaliation worldwide. No man on earth would no longer have any reason to go to war and treat people badly because of race or religion. Money control all wars and misery around the world and it is only 1% of the world's population that owns more than half of the earth's resources which is really our universal access, our birthright for we are all people of the same origin..."
christoffer granqivstFirmado: 22:50, 09/03/2015
Nina IvarssonFirmado: 19:51, 09/03/2015
Finn JacobsenFirmado: 19:27, 23/02/2015
"A well formulated charter that anyone in her/his right mind would agree to."
Stefan HeinoFirmado: 17:02, 05/02/2015
Selma KarlsdottirFirmado: 20:53, 18/01/2015
omar al atrashFirmado: 02:22, 09/01/2015
Haneulbit OlbareunFirmado: 00:12, 30/12/2014
Leif DanielssonFirmado: 10:53, 22/12/2014
Augusto CabreraFirmado: 05:25, 21/12/2014
christina souriFirmado: 07:21, 18/12/2014
Gustav Silfverski?ldFirmado: 18:46, 18/11/2014
Robert BielikFirmado: 14:46, 18/11/2014

* Por favor, ten en cuenta que los comentarios de los firmantes no se moderan y es posible que no reflejen la opinión de esta iniciativa

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