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La Carta Del Mundo Libre

"Hagamos todo gratis y libre"

Madis PõldsaarFirmado: 20:07, 04/11/2013
"My thought about our value: I love doing graphic design. Someone loves making coffee. Someone loves taking care of other people. Someone loves building. Someone loves to teach. We are at service to each other. What we have in common is the love. We truly love what we do. A lot of population is still asleep, having a job just to pay the bills, and accept their value as their profession "states." But who says that making coffee pays you that much? Who says that a janitor is less worth than the others? Or who says that doing graphic design has that much of a value? Who says that the banker, politician, money manipulator and many others are so great that they earn the most? That they have the most value? That they are more important than the rest. We can't give value to this feeling, to something we love to do. This love is equal. We all love what we do, we do what we love and its value is the same. Really soon we will have that world. We can just be and do what we love."

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