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La Carta Del Mundo Libre

"Hagamos todo gratis y libre"

Johnny LindstedtFirmado: 11:05, 14/02/2013
"Been a strong advocator for something similar since i was about 20 and realized that money was just as abstract as religion, it was only a need that was created to subdue people, making them have to fight their way through life when in essence we have the possibility to stop doing just that. My girlfriend at that time just laughed at me and said it would be impossible because nothing would get done, i tried to make her understand that most jobs at that time had nothing to do with actually producing anything (she was an economics student), but merely to utilize means to print money out of nothing. She got angry at me when i said that her studying at that time had nothing to do with real economy, just "life-support" for a system that is so aged that humanity should get rid of it, if we ever would be able to move forward. This is 17 years ago, and still i advocate this way of life, we shouldn't be slaves when we can be free."

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