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La Carta Del Mundo Libre

"Hagamos todo gratis y libre"

Andrew ToppinFirmado: 18:16, 07/03/2012
"Since I was a child of about 7 or 8 years old, I knew something was wrong with our world. I could not come to terms with the imbalances I instinctively knew were unnatural (Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness etc.). Whenever I spoke to colleagues, friends or family about the need for a fairer system where everyone's basic NEEDS were taken care of I would always get the "your crazy" look. Now in my 4th decade on this great planet and seeing the things I pondered on as a child being spoken about openly and confidently I can truly say "It's a wonderful time to be alive!" Let us begin to create a true "Civilization" here on Earth! Peace, Love & Enlightenment Andrew"

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