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Anzeige 71 Unterzeichner aus Syrian Arab Republic

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Alan Kur AhmadUnterzeichnet: 04:46, 10/03/2013
"I agree to all items, but item 4 doesn't mean socialisme right? "
Majd IbraheemUnterzeichnet: 01:04, 08/03/2013
"I really hope this would be the future of our home planet. We have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men's souls."
Haval IssaUnterzeichnet: 19:52, 07/03/2013
jacob jelloUnterzeichnet: 19:06, 07/03/2013
Malda ShelaqUnterzeichnet: 17:22, 07/03/2013
Jaber HassounUnterzeichnet: 21:06, 06/03/2013
ammar alkhtebUnterzeichnet: 17:28, 04/02/2013
Ali FreemanUnterzeichnet: 22:50, 24/01/2013
"ميثاق رائع.. أتمنى من كل الناس أن تقرأه وتوقع عليه، لنصل إلى وطن عالمي حر يحترم فيه الإنسان أخاه الإنسان، ويحترم فيه الإنسان غيره من الكائنات، الحجر، الشجر والحيوانات؛ هذه الكائنات التي لا تستطيع أن تتكلم بلساننا ولا تستطيع أن تشتكي الجور والظلم الذي يقع عليها. أشكركم على هذا الميثاق وأوقع عليه بكل فخر."
Sami FraihatUnterzeichnet: 11:31, 19/12/2012
"it sounds like a world i would dream of and i truly wish to be a part of it i'm sick and tired of modern age slavery sick and tired of getting up early every morning to make money for a fucking asshole that would only give me crumbs at the end of the month barely enough to survive with in a world where everything revolves around money, i'm all in for this"
zakaria kurdiUnterzeichnet: 02:25, 02/11/2012
wardan kayaliUnterzeichnet: 20:43, 01/11/2012
aladdin rankoussiUnterzeichnet: 21:51, 12/10/2012
amir khedrakiUnterzeichnet: 12:24, 12/09/2012
Lilace HakounUnterzeichnet: 22:48, 10/07/2012
Tarek ojjehUnterzeichnet: 23:50, 26/03/2012
"i ve been following the movement since i learned about it 3 years ago and since then my main vision is to learn more about sociology and higher education in order to be ready when the time comes and hopefully would be participating in all aspects of the project beside being living in a peaceful society which unfortunately my country could not provide through all my life time,,, all the best and regards ..... "
Ruokad LadinUnterzeichnet: 11:32, 12/01/2012
"أليس لنا علاقة بالسياسة أم أن ذلك ينتج السياسة المرجوة؟"
Burhaan AlhabbalUnterzeichnet: 02:04, 06/01/2012
"We're heading fast for a global dictatorship..... Start a revolution & release the political stranglehold... “Resource Based Economy”"
Emad Al SagheerUnterzeichnet: 21:36, 01/09/2011
Hussam KassabUnterzeichnet: 20:16, 17/08/2011
kris beltonUnterzeichnet: 10:20, 27/03/2011
"from the bottom of my heart, i wish that i will live long enough to see all this happening one day"
Burhan alhabbalUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011

* Zu deiner Information, die Kommentare der Unterzeichner werden nicht verändert und stimmen möglicherweise nicht mit den Ansichten dieser Initiative überein

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