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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Daniela KistmacherUnterzeichnet: 08:13, 26/01/2017
"I have the vision of a connected world without money as we once had it myriads of times ago. Where each of us can be freed of the massive pressure the third dimensional society now puts on us. Where we are connected within our hearts not in our ego. Where each can share his/her individual inner unique special skills and talents if he/she has money or not. I have the vision of the light that shines through each individual soul of the still ego based world of the outside to fully and completely live the inside of the heart´s desires. I have the vision of a blue planet, a heart mother earth where the darkness completely is surrounded by the brightest light. Everybody is free, inside and outside. "

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