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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Tony BennettUnterzeichnet: 18:54, 01/04/2016
"I am angry I am mad I am sad I am despondent at the inequality of this human race I am angry at the waste of food I am angry at the governments around the world that out business first before its own people I am heatedly sick of the slavery in all its forms I am sad to see that trillions are spent on wars I am angry that many people are sent to battles needlessly I am angry that business make their money from those wars that bring sorrow to millions I am angry and sad that the media is controlled and feed couch potatoes and zombies with lies, part truths and negative words that bring divisions between humanity I am sad that the 1% have control of all governments and I am angry enough to shout out but sick it falls on deaf ears because the masses have been kicked and sold a system that is enslaving them into a debt future of control I am saddened to know that hidden from us all is technology that could wipe out every hunger pain and house every human and its done with every humans money"

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