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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

swoon dronesUnterzeichnet: 05:14, 11/12/2015
"Not someone to fit into a box, Frederick Malouf settled to study architecture which set him off on a journey to explore synergies beyond personal and global self-imposed boundaries. Travelling virtually moneyless for 10 years while seeing 39 countries and sailing across the Atlantic twice and completing a masters in design, he began a radio show, now called Theqse (pronounced ‘thesk') on Bondi Radio, to interview people in the sustainable space to discover why they did not collaborate, understanding it is the exchange model we use He now researches how to drive status in creating sustainable abundance, the empowering excellence decision making process to make that feasible, rewrites business plans around crowdfinding over crowdfunding, and leverages fully reputation-based qualitative exchange to make the above possible, along with the journey of discovering self, and be supported to fully express this without fear or compromise. I love you. :) I also fly drones."

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