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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

virginia dysonUnterzeichnet: 22:09, 14/11/2015
"I believe that we do not need money, if everyone put in an honest day's work for them to support the whole community and in return everyone could take what they need we would eradicate greed. If you wanted a certain car go take it, if you wanted certain food etc. go take it. People would learn not to hoard, there would be enough for everyone to take what they need for the here and now. Those that can't or don't want to work? They will still be supported, I think that if we were all looked after and we put in the effort that we are capable of is all we can do. I'm sick of people thinking we're all the same cause we're not! We need to learn to accept the good in each other and learn to trust one another again."

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