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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Megan IrelandUnterzeichnet: 02:21, 10/07/2015
"Hello Friends, I have never given up hope that this may be actualized. I am a metaphysician and have relied on soul during my time on earth; I have begun everyday here with the attitude to share happiness, (but not annoyingly:) *While building this non monetary system in my head the major problem I foresaw was how do people get unique things they want, such as clothes, dishes and art if they have nothing to trade? This is my answer; If I am in school or at work, the time I put in goes into an account. This "time" can be subtracted from the account when receiving an item. Yes I understand it is like money, but because everyone has been raised doing something they LOVE, the whole perception would be different. If all of society does what they love, they will be happy to make what they love and give it away to the people who have contributed to that society.* I would leave NOW and join ANYONE to promote this and take the steps to seeing this through! ASK ME and I will! This is the onlyway"

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