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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Balael-Jordan RajkoffUnterzeichnet: 10:12, 24/03/2015
"Generally I agree with the exception of points eight and two. Here are my add-ons: (8) Science and technology today lack the holistical aspects of life as such. If these aspects will be added in the future, we will afford another level of science and technology that really serves All-What-Is and not only it's selfish purpose. (2) Food in the future has to be grown purely as offered by tha natural growth of the plants, without any manipulation of their genetics (genetic manipulations cause a lot of diseases and imbalances) and food generally has to be "produced" with a loving and compassionate INTENTION and absolutely free of violence or killing animals. As far as point five is concerned this is my vision and proposal: http://www.crystal-grail.de/Crystal-Grail-Community "

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