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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Mahjika LawrenceUnterzeichnet: 22:13, 09/02/2015
"Hello compassionate, progressive brothers and sisters. It over joys me to see such initiative on this scale without corruption, or condemnation. It's so important for the big hearts of this world to keep beating, as they beat for the earth and so remind others. We are all custodians of this land now, no matter the outer appreance, ethnicity or culture. We are here to love and learn together. Just wondering what financial system would you like to see come into play? Bata systems, have treated civilisation well in the past but in many ways wouldn't work with today's tapas system. We can all see what money does to people/ authorities/ civilisations, so what are we to do? To live influenceial lives without the need for this fake plastic form of currency? I myself live on quite a minimal income, and it is restricting but liberating, though it goes without saying money/wealth makes individual lives easier. Which leaves us in a tricky position; To be corrupted or to be in debut?"

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