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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Matthew WattenUnterzeichnet: 16:19, 22/08/2014
"This is a wonderful Philosophy that needs to be spread though out the world. More resources need to be produced to educate and inform. There are many examples on youtube explaining what's wrong with money but hardly any on how to bring about a transition to a moneyless society. This is where we need input from great thinkers to give ideas on how to bring about such a change. We get that the current system is broken, now we need solutions, practical solutions. My personal idea is to phase in a free state of mind. Start with food, free food for everyone. Start with the basics, Fruit and veg and work up from there. After food comes housing and power. At this point most peoples wages will now allow them to work part time for the same standard of living. "

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