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Die Freie Welt Charta

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yvo paunUnterzeichnet: 07:44, 24/03/2013
"who knows if we will have the luck to live such times,it would mean for each individual to wake up on his own to see the reality and yet the individual must wake up at the same time with all ohter individuals to be able to take care of everything that this planet provides for us. I strongly agree with the fact that our society will evolve and grow from all points of view and yet Im asking when will this magic journey will actually be possible to start? when will all the people wake up and unite to create an era of meaningful actions and flourishing life? We dont need to change anything to do all of this except our MINDS AND WILL...and still I wonder again and again.....when we will stop dreaming of infinite versions of utopias and realise that all we have is ready for us and right in front of us, the only thing that is missing is our eyes to see and our minds to comprehend. We have lost ourselves and i wonder again how will all of us wake up in the same time to actually live this?"

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