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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Mehran TaherimoudUnterzeichnet: 16:43, 12/08/2012
"Well the idea is good but there are a lot of unanswered questions here. For example who will manage the competition of people to get the better products. Do you like Ferrari or BMW? Which one do you choose? In the ideal free world all people use the same car? or all cars will be disappeared and everybody will use bus instead?! Equality is a fact but who will manage problems of getting lazy people to have them to work. Not all people are great scientists? Who choose which job? Jobs are different and if all people are free to choose then some jobs (like cleaning the streets) will have much less applicants than others! How we will deal with the crime problem? Not all people are prophets. So do you think a free world doesn't need a jail? What should we do for controlling crime? "

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