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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Bruno PosaUnterzeichnet: 11:20, 30/07/2012
"If this does not work, (and it would be because of the stubbornness of middleclass people who do not find this order possible) than at least we should make a new system of controling money, like an input variable (y), to inject it where needed, and maybe to put some kind of limit to every mans profit, and once they get to that limit, they are allowed to take a vacation or a break for a month, while still earning money, wich would not go to them, but to where it's needed most... We would create many founds like that, I think, and that would be an example of a world with money, but a world where nothing is done for the name of profit. Regards, Bruno :) "

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