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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Peter Koll TameraUnterzeichnet: 15:55, 12/03/2012
"Yes, I fully agree - and me and my friends are working on this : Tamera Manifesto - For a New Generation on Planet Earth. http://www.tamera.org/manifesto/ A New Planetary Community Besides the global riots, there is today a global movement to save life on earth. It consists of groups from Indigenous, Buddhist or Christian peace-traditions, especially in Latin America and Tibet. And of those moved peace-activists, environmentalists and seekers of life that has long known that there is no future worth living within the existing systems. We see a new generation of pilgrims from all countries travelling across the earth. They are no longer bound to nation, language, race, culture or religion, nor to wealth or possessions. They help in crisis areas, visit sacred sites, meet at campfires and in hostels, share their bread and develop a new quality of community. A new global citizenship is developing beyond all institutions. ..."

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