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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Gonçalo Neves TeixeiraUnterzeichnet: 15:23, 25/03/2011
"Having experienced many cultures and observed many ways of life, I can say with certainty that there is a strict correlation between one's happiness and materialism - they are an inverse function. I believe that everyone needs to learn how to manage his or her resources and desires, for in order to have inner peace one must be in control of the self. And in order to have global peace, everyone must be at peace with the self and the world. Also, money creates no incentive to work, only blackmail. Every genius in history never used his or her work for money; some may have profitted, but that was always secondary to the creation of something new and exciting. I wish to help create a world where my children and grandchildren will be equal to everyone and be as free as this Earth allows them to"

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