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الميثاق العالمي الحر

"لنجعل كل شيء مجاني"

يتم عرض 1,223 الموقعين من Netherlands

  [اظهر كل البلدان]

Rutger Berendsوقع : 14:58, 24/03/2011
"Thank for these clare princibles! Implemented yesterday is better then tomorrow"
Jim Overhageوقع : 12:14, 24/03/2011
Dré Geerdinckوقع : 12:08, 24/03/2011
Jasper van der Woldeوقع : 12:07, 24/03/2011
roos de neijsوقع : 11:33, 24/03/2011
"i hope we can achieve a world without money, life would improve for everyone"
Kathy Marinusوقع : 11:24, 24/03/2011
Mick Bendersوقع : 11:24, 24/03/2011
Odiseo Viverosوقع : 11:20, 24/03/2011
Yvette Zeelenbergوقع : 21:32, 22/03/2011
roy lepoutreوقع : 16:27, 22/03/2011
"I do have my questions about statement 5 and 6. It's in human nature that unfortunately some people are greedy. They always want more then they have, without the matter of money but pure in quantity. I think that this is the most important topic to think about. Then statement 6 should be defined in an other way. Saying to minimise waste is just saying we do allow waste. That isn't a good thought because we shouldn't have waste at all. We are the only specie that's producing waste. We do can change that through out the Cradle To Cradle concept of wast equals food. This is the only way of thinking of producing and develop new products. Sustainability is just a minimum and self sufficiency should be getting a bigger role"
Liron van Daalenوقع : 14:30, 22/03/2011
"In a way, money has helped society, science and technology to get where it's at, but at a certain point it's time to let go of our accepted form of society and to evaluate the shape and base of society itself and to be open to adjust this to the current possibilities"
William Djokoوقع : 13:29, 22/03/2011
"We are at a crossingpoint in time. With a collective mind we can make use of all that we have subcomb and grow to a new way of global thinking. Thank you for activating peoples thoughts"
mercedes gomzeوقع : 02:50, 22/03/2011
Alfons Jaworskiوقع : 14:36, 21/03/2011
Thijs Bruins Slotوقع : 12:35, 21/03/2011
David van Oudheusdenوقع : 01:04, 21/03/2011
"put the text on pootle. So that the Dutch (Zeitgeist Movement) chapter can translate it. Thanks, and great job (if i can use that last word"
Rifet Okicوقع : 12:50, 20/03/2011
"Very nice petition. This idea is like venus project, but i like the petition part. THanx"
Juan Echeverryوقع : 17:11, 18/03/2011
"Ok I'm in! Who makes the calls to our governments"
Alexander Masciniوقع : 12:52, 17/05/2011
"Would like to see the free goods part explained further. I need numbers to be convinced that it's possible. Work is the first thing that has to go. But I don't see machines doing all the work. Not by a long shot yet. Please explain "

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