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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Displaying 60,347 signatories from all countries

J***f F***rSigned: 18:02, 02/02/2025
G***y O****ySigned: 00:35, 29/01/2025
s****k p***kSigned: 11:50, 25/01/2025
T***O T**OSigned: 09:20, 23/01/2025
R****e L*eSigned: 21:49, 12/01/2025
R*****O A****OSigned: 14:13, 06/01/2025
"Pelo fim do sistema monetário, para o bem de todos e do planeta!!!"
D***** F******** Signed: 14:10, 06/01/2025
"Sem sistema monetário arcaico "
J****** A****aSigned: 17:19, 02/01/2025
I**r F*********oSigned: 20:04, 24/12/2024
"Progetto fantastico ma utopico se resta solo un progetto. Vogliamo crederci in tanti e portalo avanti? "
s*******e w*******nSigned: 13:02, 02/12/2024
"Thank you for publicycing the ideal future. Lets do it!"
M*****o B****iSigned: 12:57, 02/12/2024
"Amazing I wish this would happen in my lift time."
V******** V******* Signed: 05:53, 28/11/2024
M***o M*****iSigned: 20:06, 26/11/2024
B*****y V****rSigned: 20:35, 21/11/2024
L**z B*******nSigned: 14:34, 02/11/2024
I*n R*ESigned: 21:32, 24/10/2024
S******* K***fSigned: 14:41, 14/10/2024
A******r P*****nSigned: 19:40, 09/10/2024
R****t H***sSigned: 10:20, 06/10/2024
"All for one and one for all."
L***************** S********^Signed: 02:42, 23/09/2024
"30 articles of fundamental freedoms for all. "
a****o b******iSigned: 10:33, 21/09/2024
s****n g*****aSigned: 03:21, 21/09/2024
C**** A**** Signed: 12:16, 20/09/2024
"Establish a MONEYLESS Global Community where all goods and services are FREE "
s*****a n*****iSigned: 20:52, 19/09/2024
b***a r***iSigned: 11:42, 01/09/2024
J*y S*****nSigned: 12:00, 18/08/2024
A****w R******nSigned: 07:59, 14/08/2024
********** ********************Signed: 06:30, 13/08/2024
"Да Бъде!Да БЪДЕМ!"
R****d M**gSigned: 23:19, 04/08/2024
B***a A****** Signed: 02:58, 03/08/2024
T****** N**lSigned: 22:29, 28/07/2024
F*******s D*****tSigned: 14:07, 24/07/2024
M******e F***ySigned: 08:07, 20/07/2024
G*****n K***hSigned: 01:51, 19/07/2024
"Peace and prosperity to all Progeny"
K*************** S******* Signed: 20:47, 17/07/2024
"30 articles fundamental equality for all..."
K**************e S******lSigned: 20:45, 17/07/2024
"30 articles fundamental equality for all... Nature Free and Accepted Durum Patienta Frango Ceud Mile Failte Grandfathered Grand Messen goal is to uplift fallen humanity in the best of moulds by any means necessary... stand up stand for the King of Kings No.666"
R***********d G****eSigned: 18:18, 16/07/2024
"Need actionable visions, such as giant aircraft fleets to soak down today's mega wildfires and soak down today's urban mega heatwaves."
N****a B***eSigned: 12:53, 16/07/2024
"The greed in this world makes my heart break & my soul cry."
B***d H*****fSigned: 09:57, 13/07/2024
A***d R***tSigned: 13:24, 11/07/2024
C***g D*****aSigned: 01:46, 10/07/2024
J*****s B****rSigned: 21:43, 07/07/2024
"I have been trying to stimulate this conversation for years glad to have come across your information "
v***d p*******iSigned: 02:13, 07/07/2024
C***** C*nSigned: 05:39, 06/07/2024
"Wenn wir unser eigenes Essen anbauen würden, dann würden wir nicht ein Drittel davon wegwerfen, wie es heute der Fall ist. Würden wir unsere Tische und Stühle bauen, würden wir sie nicht jedes mal rauswerfen, wenn wir uns anderst einrichten. Wenn wir unser Trinkwasser selbst reinigen müssten, würden wir es nicht so bedenkenlos verschmutzen..."
M***L B********eSigned: 10:58, 04/07/2024
B***o C****zSigned: 09:29, 04/07/2024
"Die Fiktion « Saruj - Stell dir vor, es gibt kein Geld mehr », beschreibt eine Zukunft in einer Welt ohne Geld - dafür Vertrauen, Heilung und Liebe. "
G*****d P*********** Signed: 13:26, 03/07/2024
S******a F******oSigned: 14:57, 27/06/2024
"Credevo nello Statuto del Mondo Libero e nell’economia aperta ancora prima di leggere F-day: Il risveglio dell’uomo, che infatti ho trovato cercando qualcosa sull’argomento. È un bel sogno, spero venga riportato nella realtà al più presto "
D****L J*************RSigned: 08:20, 11/06/2024

* Please note, signatory comments are unmoderated and may not accurately reflect the views of this initiative

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