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The Free World Charter

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Visar 25 Underskrifter från Mauritius

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Ziad J.khanUndertecknat: 20:47, 01/06/2018
Sujit SethumadhavanUndertecknat: 07:06, 27/12/2017
Christopher KrigeUndertecknat: 11:42, 04/06/2016
Joseph Jean Baptiste JolicoeurUndertecknat: 16:48, 02/05/2016
Dominique NGUndertecknat: 18:55, 25/10/2015
Mattarooa NeelUndertecknat: 09:06, 13/07/2015
"Lets go for it humanity!!"
canhye josilaUndertecknat: 18:07, 12/07/2015
Kemal NUJJOOUndertecknat: 03:06, 06/07/2015
Lukas SkowronskiUndertecknat: 06:53, 18/01/2015
"It is obvious that human beings can't produce/create anything without taking it or part of it from mother Earth. The way we distribute those products, is completely wrong, time to change it and make it more efficient and sufficient. All we need is food clothes and shelter...."
Kervin ThanacodyUndertecknat: 03:41, 02/08/2013
Murden HenriUndertecknat: 11:04, 11/06/2013
Maiyan KaridiUndertecknat: 13:24, 27/05/2013
Dayal GajendrarajUndertecknat: 08:52, 19/12/2012
"Money, root of all evil. "
veronique pomponUndertecknat: 11:39, 18/04/2012
veronique pomponUndertecknat: 11:39, 18/04/2012
veronique pomponUndertecknat: 11:30, 18/04/2012
"each one of us is a walking universe each step , each heartbeat is a pligrim with each step,i go deeper into myself each step takes me closer to my inner sacred self on my path through memory, i meet .. bees and butterflies .. whales and dolphins . sunny blooming gardens . deep heavy forests .. wolves and lambs ... i dance on plains and mountains . i see men and women wearing colours of the rainbow. laughing children playing under the rain with each step , i'm part of it all with step,all is part of me . for , i am star dusts and sunrays flowing water and wind s breath . with each heartbeat, i m. meeting new living souls on my path to love and humility ..... veronyx. \ eau-coulee . mauritius .. 18.14.12 "
dev JeeniaUndertecknat: 22:10, 25/03/2012
"keep it up....admire what you are doing."
Patrik JuriensUndertecknat: 17:57, 09/01/2012
"Bons vents a cette belle Charte."
Richard MunisamyUndertecknat: 06:13, 04/01/2012
"I broadly agree with the above except for the following: 8. Individual and community development has a psycho-spiritual component which is not amenable to the scientific method as currently defined. 9. Within nature, those who are not able to contribute to their communities, for example due to infirmity or old age are generally eliminated by predators or retire from their communities to die. The enlightened neither permit themselves to be a long-term burden nor are they afraid of death."
Jean Francois VirginieUndertecknat: 05:57, 25/08/2011
Li Yuk Lo MichaelUndertecknat: 14:00, 01/07/2011
Juslaine ChongUndertecknat: 13:53, 23/05/2011
Mary YuenUndertecknat: 12:42, 23/05/2011
Yanish VeerahooUndertecknat: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"Without money we'd all be rich "
Mary YuenUndertecknat: 14:27, 06/03/2011

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