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The Free World Charter

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Visar 69 Underskrifter från Estonia

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juhan mikkorUndertecknat: 13:58, 28/07/2016
"People need to wake up! :)"
Tanel LiibergUndertecknat: 16:18, 29/03/2016
Reilika LeonUndertecknat: 21:39, 31/07/2015
"To see the Charter in action, to have it change the world, will be my new dream. I will be sending positive energy to your cause and hope that this will come true. "
raul kannelaUndertecknat: 12:17, 21/07/2015
"hi. yeah i think if we can make world free no money then our life will be better than now. we have right now so lot of technics and then we not see the world around we cant see whats happend around us we are blinded by money and technics if they not exist then we see more around us we help and feel free i think so and i hope many people think same way! and nature will be much cleaner than now. so think again what will be your future it will be free or pain.."
Risto PrinsUndertecknat: 16:37, 12/07/2015
Robert ReinuUndertecknat: 09:00, 20/05/2015
"I so totally agree!!"
Jaanika LillenbergUndertecknat: 00:41, 17/07/2014
abdelatif mohammedUndertecknat: 03:27, 03/05/2014
" i agree all but how to do it the Earth full a There are people who not good and they could not work on the progress of this system and their knowledge can be because he does not have accounts from which to hold them accountable like (greedy - Self Love - Non-socialization of others at work - and a lot of Aci bad) "
Roman DmitrievichUndertecknat: 09:49, 20/02/2014
Anastasia SemjonovaUndertecknat: 11:04, 17/02/2014
Анна АндровнаUndertecknat: 22:12, 16/02/2014
"Я за то чтобы всё было бесплатным!!! "
Anni LemberUndertecknat: 10:15, 16/01/2014
Madis PõldsaarUndertecknat: 20:07, 04/11/2013
"My thought about our value: I love doing graphic design. Someone loves making coffee. Someone loves taking care of other people. Someone loves building. Someone loves to teach. We are at service to each other. What we have in common is the love. We truly love what we do. A lot of population is still asleep, having a job just to pay the bills, and accept their value as their profession "states." But who says that making coffee pays you that much? Who says that a janitor is less worth than the others? Or who says that doing graphic design has that much of a value? Who says that the banker, politician, money manipulator and many others are so great that they earn the most? That they have the most value? That they are more important than the rest. We can't give value to this feeling, to something we love to do. This love is equal. We all love what we do, we do what we love and its value is the same. Really soon we will have that world. We can just be and do what we love."
Oliver MürkUndertecknat: 16:58, 01/11/2013
oliver reinartUndertecknat: 17:48, 17/09/2013
"Greed will still be a problem, unless the education system adapts. If all needs are met freely, some people will merely want more and more. The change in thinking may take several generations."
Carmen PoldingUndertecknat: 08:14, 04/08/2013
Rein RebaneUndertecknat: 07:31, 19/05/2013
"I am afraid the only hindering brake here is the human factor. Many people favour inequality, luxurity, slavement, etc. I wish all people started actually caring about each other."
Sven RatnikUndertecknat: 14:41, 16/05/2013
Maris KuusikUndertecknat: 11:43, 27/03/2013
Vahur PihlakasUndertecknat: 11:24, 27/03/2013
Siim KaselaUndertecknat: 15:07, 23/03/2013
"I've always felt that something is wrong with the world we're living in. When I was young I didn't understand, why people behave like they do. Why greed, poverty, violence, glamour etc.? But thanks to the Internet I've found out that I'm not alone with my thoughts, that there are actually amazing movements that promote lifestyles I support like the zeitgeist movement, the venus project. So I really hope this charter makes some kind of difference and helps to promote the idea of living in peace."
jkkl inbnUndertecknat: 04:32, 14/02/2013
Paavo EensaluUndertecknat: 16:14, 24/01/2013
Annika TellismaaUndertecknat: 11:34, 09/01/2013
Indrek KerboUndertecknat: 09:42, 29/12/2012
Deivo LooritsUndertecknat: 17:40, 19/12/2012
"We need big changes...If this will success there be lot of better people too. Angry ones are the richest who dont value other...."
Taavi KaskUndertecknat: 08:57, 19/12/2012
Maksim ShiloUndertecknat: 13:10, 13/07/2012
Mari TuulikUndertecknat: 02:50, 10/07/2012
Kaspar MinnUndertecknat: 22:31, 04/05/2012
Janek MarrandiUndertecknat: 13:11, 13/04/2012
lehari jargUndertecknat: 10:20, 27/03/2012
LILIAN MORISUndertecknat: 23:20, 14/03/2012
"este es el mundo en el que quiero vivir!!!"
Priit KünnapuuUndertecknat: 14:18, 30/01/2012
Sirli VaarikUndertecknat: 17:15, 27/01/2012
Kaspar RaudsooUndertecknat: 09:50, 25/01/2012
Tauri AzojanUndertecknat: 13:56, 07/01/2012
Anu TammUndertecknat: 22:22, 02/01/2012
Teilo Tonn LondonUndertecknat: 07:43, 02/01/2012
hendrik petersonUndertecknat: 07:57, 03/11/2011
Sulev KranichUndertecknat: 17:08, 24/10/2011
Erik-Silver ToomereUndertecknat: 13:13, 03/10/2011
Rauno LagenõmmUndertecknat: 15:07, 21/09/2011
Keido KurbergUndertecknat: 20:20, 20/09/2011
"I guess it's quite impossible to apply those principles everywhere at once. But could it sustain a community in smaller area to prove for everyone that it really works?"
Erik PahlbergUndertecknat: 18:59, 19/09/2011
Ilona Marken-KruusmägiUndertecknat: 15:06, 19/09/2011
"I have no doubt that this is all going to be the reality very soon."
Kerto KasenurmUndertecknat: 18:57, 17/09/2011
"I like how it feels."
Andry AgardUndertecknat: 00:50, 27/08/2011
Vallo ArumäeUndertecknat: 14:43, 26/08/2011
"We have all resources on the planet available to make this happen. The only thing missing is people's will. We can now also reach all people through technology. "
Henry GinterUndertecknat: 12:42, 25/08/2011

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