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The Free World Charter

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Visar 6 Underskrifter från Congo, the Democratic Republic of the

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Emmanuel GontchoUndertecknat: 15:33, 11/08/2015
Pamphyl KaunzaUndertecknat: 10:46, 02/02/2015
Olivier TerraUndertecknat: 03:06, 23/12/2014
Basilele Malomalo BasileleUndertecknat: 14:42, 19/10/2014
Alexis MassambaUndertecknat: 17:16, 01/01/2014
"One should be allouded to travel freely around the planet, as it was before the civilizations. Bill Gates does not need all the money he has, even if he wishes, he cannot help the whole world to survive yet he is richer than everyone here... I think he stole something from us, me and you... Our liberty and will. Now, let World War III be the war against money and credit. Thank you."
Iva UlagaUndertecknat: 12:55, 04/03/2012

* Vänligen observera att undertecknares kommentarer inte kontrolleras och kanske inte korrekt reflekterar synen på detta initiativ.

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