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Carta Lumii Eliberate

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Afişarea 2 semnatarilor din Liberia

  [Arătaţi toate ţările]

Paul NEWONSemnat: 16:46, 26/02/2013
"I am into "Resource Based Economy" or RBE, and I think this too is bears the same mark, I support all initiatives, and I know I can also do my part and help make it a reality..."
Paul NEWONSemnat: 09:59, 26/02/2013
"we are getting there, I believe in Resource Based Economy, and this is not too far, sister or same concept to me... I'm ready and will also spread the good news as well... xoxox"

* Vă rugăm luaţi notă, comentariile semnatarilor nu sunt moderate şi s-ar putea să nu reflecte cu acurateţe vederile acestei iniţiative

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