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Carta Lumii Eliberate

"Să facem totul gratuit"

Afişarea 6 semnatarilor din Belize

  [Arătaţi toate ţările]

Matthew ProwtenSemnat: 14:32, 10/01/2023
kathelyne hildersonSemnat: 07:35, 14/09/2016
Nicki LoveSemnat: 01:32, 04/03/2015
"I deeply resonate with the principles you've written so clearly and I would like to collaborate to Change Our World by manifesting Purple Paradise Resorts all over the world."
Adrian WitzilSemnat: 06:07, 06/10/2014
"How can we start making this happen? I want to help. I am willing to dedicate ALL my time to this."
Chris RamirezSemnat: 18:24, 23/03/2013
Denise Camille FullerSemnat: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"thank god... not Nesara- I once heard it said that "until you have a solution for everyone, you have no solution at all "

* Vă rugăm luaţi notă, comentariile semnatarilor nu sunt moderate şi s-ar putea să nu reflecte cu acurateţe vederile acestei iniţiative

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