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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Displaying 1,266 signatories from Slovenia

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Robbin JarSigned: 14:22, 08/04/2020
Sonja BertalaničSigned: 14:22, 08/04/2020
Melita HolcSigned: 11:34, 08/04/2020
Marjana GermekSigned: 05:24, 08/04/2020
Jan ČučukSigned: 21:57, 02/01/2020
vidko senicaSigned: 12:30, 22/07/2019
"Ljubezen in dostojanstvo vsem ljudem sveta! Vegetarijanski in moralno neoporečen svet,v katerem si države pomagajo.Imeti zakonsko pravico,da si vsi ljudje lahko pomagamo in obenem skrbimo za zdravje ljudi in neokrnjene narave..Poskrbimo za otroke sveta,da se bodo lahko imeli radi in naredili boljši svet, brez vojn in nepotrebnega trpljenja. SKUPAJ LAHKO URESNIČIMO SANJE VSAKEGA OTROKA,SANJE ZA KATERE JE VREDNO ŽIVETI,Naredimo že danes ta majhen korak za pravičnost,vendar velik za človečanstvo.TO SI VSI RES ZASLUŽIMO!"
Jan ČučukSigned: 21:38, 30/05/2019
Jan ČučukSigned: 21:28, 30/05/2019
vidko senicaSigned: 12:44, 21/02/2019
"lahko me najdete na LinkedIn pod imenom Vidko Senica."
Tina PirnatSigned: 21:47, 17/12/2018
nik zalokarSigned: 11:36, 30/08/2018
Sanja MilojevićSigned: 11:49, 21/08/2018
gregor kaminSigned: 08:09, 10/02/2018
Matej MedvedSigned: 15:16, 09/01/2018
DeJan UngerSigned: 14:25, 10/12/2017
"Hvala za gibanje in dejanja! Thanks for movement and actions!"
Boštjan SernelSigned: 21:14, 03/12/2017
Davor RogačSigned: 20:05, 03/12/2017
Uroš RogačSigned: 19:39, 03/12/2017
Boris RogačSigned: 19:25, 03/12/2017
Brigita RogačSigned: 19:20, 03/12/2017
Borut RogačSigned: 19:06, 03/12/2017
"Be beyond your desires"
Eden FohatomSigned: 14:51, 03/02/2017
"Sem šaumbra (pionir, navdihovalec in vodnik zavesti), pa vam kot glasnik/izumitelj ponujam aplikacije za pretvorbo ne-civilizacijskega v višjo civilizacijo. Zadeve so več-razsežnostne, vendar močne in enostavne za katerimi stoji mnogo let razisav, študija, sintetiziranja ter preizkušanja. Tako kot nekakšno zvezdo Enosti ponujam 4 Konje razodetja: 1. duševno vrtnikanje: čLOVEški VRT, 2. šiferna poetika: MI(R)evolucija, 3. 4 zakone novega sistema s znanstvenim predsednikovanjem: mONEyfest ter 4. upravo duševno Podjetja vele-ekosistema: prav(LJ)ica. Za pretvorbo obstoječega režima/sistema, pa je pripravljen zakon; zbiranje podpisov: nesara."
Dragica maresicSigned: 19:39, 10/01/2017
Andrej IlijevskiSigned: 14:29, 06/12/2016
"I am an engineer (high rise construction) I am sick of what is going on in this world and would like to contribute making a change - first : food water and shelter for everybody "
Janja MitrovićSigned: 11:20, 08/11/2016
Darja CupinSigned: 13:41, 26/10/2016
Roko PalirSigned: 21:10, 20/10/2016
Miloš BreznikarSigned: 20:07, 30/07/2016
nastja potočnikSigned: 12:09, 30/06/2016
"I support the idea to try and change the current slavery to freedom life"
Alja ŠveglSigned: 23:14, 12/06/2016
Irena RožancSigned: 21:39, 31/05/2016
"Tako res ne gre več naprej... nismo več svobodni... da dobiš izračun za polno pokojnino, za 40 let garaškega dela 350 eu, čeprav si vseskozi plačeval davke, prispevke.... komu ???? Res se sprašujem"
Stefan RepnikSigned: 22:06, 09/05/2016
"This can be achieved! Have hope, theres enough for all, and once we all realise that theres no argument. I just hope we dont need to destroy more of our precious, incredibly beautiful and amazing planet! in order for all to achieve this intelligence again.. "
Zala HasajSigned: 21:29, 09/05/2016
"How would you turn people into living without their wasteful traditions some are very fond of, and fancy but useless clothing and expensive but unhealthy and unnecessay food? And so on... :/ "
Martin ButinaSigned: 14:22, 25/04/2016
Damir BegovićSigned: 18:02, 13/04/2016
HALIDA ALAGICSigned: 19:09, 30/03/2016
Jasna AlagićSigned: 13:33, 30/03/2016
Aleksander KrapšaSigned: 16:09, 20/03/2016
David MrvarSigned: 17:48, 03/12/2015
"imamo v Sloveniji kakšno organizirano skupino, ki združuje podobno mosleče?"
Tanja Nastasija SadriajSigned: 11:22, 25/11/2015
roman jeršeSigned: 19:46, 23/07/2015
Simon BelclSigned: 11:39, 08/07/2015
Nena StojanovicSigned: 08:15, 26/06/2015
Andreja FilipovicSigned: 17:47, 23/06/2015
Tilen SapacSigned: 22:28, 12/06/2015
Vido PračekSigned: 14:29, 10/06/2015
"Hi, Do you have your movement also in Slovenia by any chance? I would like to join. Keep on the good work. Thank you. "
Marko ŽelSigned: 15:42, 28/04/2015
"I actually got to that kind of thinking by myself, and it is almost as if I had written it myself."
Katja LetonjaSigned: 16:44, 27/04/2015
martin kimbleSigned: 22:04, 26/04/2015
bozinovic matevzSigned: 11:29, 31/03/2015

* Please note, signatory comments are unmoderated and may not accurately reflect the views of this initiative

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